简介 |
作者简介 Lin ci (1958-2009), original name ZhangQian, graduated from the Zhejiang Academyof Art and China Art Research Institute, wherehe earned an M.A. degree. He was a researchfellow with China Art Research Institute,speizing in art history and visual arts.His major books include Accordion PleatedSkirts, Gospel Valley, and Mango Trees. Hismonograph Photography will soon be publishedby SDX Joint Publishing Company. 目录 《中国绘画:英文》目录参见目录图 内容推荐 中国绘画艺术历史悠久,渊源流长,经过数千年的不断丰富、革新和发展,以汉族为主、包括少数民族在内的画家和匠师,创造了具有鲜明民族风格和丰富多采的形式手法,形成了独具中国意味的绘画语言体系,在东方以至世界艺术中都具有重要的地位与影响。 |