内容推荐 《An Introduction to the World's Petrified Wood》由Shenyang Center of Geological Survey,China Geological Survey et al著 目录 Preface Foreword Editor's Words 1 Introduction to fossil wood 1.1 Fossilization and depositional environment of fossil wood 1.2 Anatomical structures of fossil wood 1.3 On the taxonomy and nomenclature of Dadoxylon,Araucarioxylon and Agathoxylon 1.4 Distribution map of world fossil wood 2 Fossil wood in Asia 2.1 Fossil wood in China 2.2 Fossil Wood in Mongolia 2.3 Fossil wood on the Korean Peninsula 2.4 Fossil wood in Japan 2.5 Fossil wood in India 2.6 Southeastern Asia 3 Russian fossil woods 3.1 Research history 3.2 Map showing the fossil localities 3.3 Type of genus and species 3.4 New genera and the diagnosis in this region 4 Fossil wood from Europe 4.1 Palaeozoic wood from Europe 4.2 Mesozoic and Cenozoic Fossil Wood in Western Europe 5 Fossil wood from Africa 5.1 Algeria 5.2 Cameroon 5.3 Egypt 5.4 Ethiopia 5.5 Kenya 5.6 Libya 5.7 Mali …… |