内容推荐 “矿区生态环境修复丛书”汇聚了国内从事矿区生态环境修复工作的各个学科的众多专家,在编委会的统一组织和规划下,将我国矿区生态环境修复中的基础性和共性问题、法规与监管、基础原理/理论、监测与评价、规划、金属矿冶区/能源矿山/非金属矿区/砂石矿废弃地修复技术、典型实践案例等己取得的理论创新性成果和技术突破进行系统整理,综合反映了该领域的研究内容,系统化、专业化、整体性较强,本套丛书将是该领域的第一套丛书,也是该领域科学前沿和国家级科研项目成果的展示平台。 本书是其中一册,系统地介绍了铝土矿残留特征,土壤成因,盐碱的最新研究成果。这本书将为氧化铝行业和研究人员提供科学参考。 目录 Chapter 1 Characterization and Disposal of Bauxite Residue 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Generation of Bauxite Residue 1.2.1 Bauxite Production and Global Reserves 1.2.2 Production Process of Alumina 1.2.3 Annual Production and Inventory of Bauxite Residue 1.3 Properties of Bauxite Residue 1.3.1 Physical Properties 1.3.2 Chemical Properties 1.3.3 Biological Properties 1.4 Management of Bauxite Residue 1.4.1 Conventional Disposal of Bauxite Residue 1.4.2 Utilization of Bauxite Residue 1.5 Alkalinity Transformation of Bauxite Residue 1.5.1 Alkaline Solid Transformation 1.5.2 Waste Acid Synergy 1.5.3 Acid Gas Sequestration 1.5.4 Chloride Salt Neutralization 1.6 Soil Formation and Revegetation of Bauxite Residue 1.6.1 Amelioration of Bauxite Residue 1.6.2 Screening of Tolerant Plant Species and Microorganisms 1.6.3 Soil Formation in Bauxite Residue References Chapter 2 Novel Predictors of Soil Genesis in Bauxite Residue under Natural Weathering Processes 2.1 Natural Evolution of Alkaline Characteristics in Bauxite Residue 2.1.1 Transformation of Basic Alkalinity 2.1.2 Transformation of Electrical Conductivity 2.1.3 Transformation of Exchangeable Cations 2.1.4 Transformation of Acid Neutralizing Capacity 2.1.5 Environmental Management for Long-Term Disposal 2.2 Natural Plant Colonization Improves Physical Conditions of Bauxite Residue 2.2.1 Particle Size Distribution 2.2.2 Bulk Density and Total Porosity 2.2.3 Mean Weight Diameter (MWD) and Water-Stable Aggregates (WSA) 2.2.4 Structural Stability Index (SI) 2.3 Development of Alkaline Electrochemical Characteristics 2.3 . l Mineralogy 2.3.2 Zeta Potential Curves and |soelectric Point 2.3.3 Surface Protonation and Alkaline Group 2.4 Dynamic Development of Bacterial Community Diversity and Structure 2.4.1 Residue Properties 2.4.2 Diversity of Bacterial Community 2.4.3 Composition of Bacterial Community 2.4.4 Correlation between Bacterial Community and Residue Property 2.5 Novel Predictors of Soil Genesis in Bauxite Residue 2.5.1 Variation of Chemical Properties 2.5.2 Variation of Physical Properties 2.5.3 Effects on Aggregate Stability 2.5.4 Novel Predictors of Soil Genesis References Chapter 3 Aggregate Formation and Stability in Bauxite Residue Following Soil Genesis 3.1 Erosion Resistance of Water-Stable Aggregates in Bauxite Residue 3.1.1 Distribution of Aggregate Fractions and MWD by the Modified Yoder's Method 3.1.2 Distribution of Aggregate Fractions and MWD by the Modified Le Bissonnais' Method 3.1.3 The Erodibility Factor (K) of Bauxite Residues 3.1.4 Variable Effectiveness of Mechanisms to Erosion of Bauxite Residue 3.2 Effects of Iron-Aluminum Oxides and Organic Carbon on Aggregate Stability 3.2.1 Iron-Aluminum Oxide Contents and Their Relationship with Aggregate Stability 3.2.2 Aggregate-Associated Carbon and the Relationship with Aggregate Stability 3.2.3 Variation of Aggregate-Associated Organic Carbon Functional Groups 3.3 Fractal Features of Residue Microaggregates in Bauxite Residue Disposal Areas 3.3.1 Particle Size Distribution of Residue Microaggregates 3.3.2 Microaggregate Stability of the Residues 3.3.3 Single-Fractal Features of Residue Microaggregates 3.3.4 Multi-Fractal Dimension of Residue Microaggregates 3.3.5 Relationship between Microaggregate Stability and Fractal Parameters 3.4 Effects of Binding Materials on Micro-Aggregate Size Distribution in Bauxite Residues 3.4.1 Effect of Organic Matter 3.4.2 Effect of Carbonate on Residue Microaggregate Size Distribution 3.4.3 Effect of Electrolyte on Residue Microaggregate Size Distribution 3.4.4 Effect of Clay Mineralogy on Residue Microaggregate Size D |