内容推荐 “我看世界英语分级读物”是一套知识性(nonfiction)英语分级读物,本书为系列的第十级。它从孩子的视角,通过精美的摄影图片,儿童常用的语句及语法,展示了自然、动物、写作、探究学习等多主题内容。帮助孩子在学习英语的同时,加强对生活各个方面的认知及思考。书后的“家长/教师指导”提供了丰富的读前读后活动,能有效帮助孩子提高阅读兴趣及阅读效果。家长及老师可以根据孩子情况进行亲子阅读或指导孩子独立阅读。本册介绍了不同种类的动物,包括脊椎动物,哺乳动物,两栖动物,爬行动物,鱼类,鸟类等,帮助孩子们了解动物的种类和他们之间的区别。 目录 《Can you solve these animal mysteries?》 Can I solve mysteries? Mystery monkeys Born or hatched? Mysterious babies Mysterious relatives Can they really float? Where do they fly? How do they do it? Are they really dancing? Mystery solver activities Words to know and Index 家长/教师指导 《Let's learn about Earth's continents》 Continents and oceans Where on Earth? Asia is the biggest! Beautiful Europe The continent of Africa North America South America Australia and Oceania Icy Antarctica Questions and activities Continents rap Words to know and Index 家长/教师指导 《What kind of animal is it?》 What kind of animal? Which have backbones? Which animals hatch? Mammals like me What are amphibians? Many kinds of reptiles Are they all fish? Birds of all kinds Ask an animal! Animal fun Words to know and Index 家长/教师指导 《What will I write?》 Information or story? Pictures and words Words that describe Writing styles Setting,characters,plot Write your story! Fun with fiction Getting creative Create a project! Writing your opinions Words to know and Index 家长/教师指导 |