内容推荐 聚焦全球各洲资源评估及基地开发,合作组织编制全球及亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、中南美洲、大洋洲等各大洲清洁能源开发与投资研究系列报告。本报告作为系列成果中的总报告,一方面系统阐述了全球清洁能源资源评估与基地数字化宏观选址的技术路线和模型方法;另一方面立足全球视角,基于各大洲清洁能源资源评估和大型基地的深入分析,展示了全球清洁能源开发与投资的研究成果。 报告的第1、2章是研究的方法与数据,全面阐述了清洁能源资源评估和大型清洁能源发电基地宏观选址的方法体系、基础数据和数学模型。第3~5章系统展示了基于数字化方法的全球水能、风能和光伏资源评估与大型基地开发的研究成果。第6章是基地电力消纳和外送方案研究,综合分析了各洲电力供需趋势,提出了大型基地的送电方向与输电方式。第7章总结了全球清洁能源开发的投融资政策环境,提出了促进各大洲洁洁发展的投融资建议。 目录 PREFACE SUMMARY 1 Digital Resource Assessment Methods 1.1 Technical Route 1.1.1 Assessment on Wind Energy Resources 1.1.2 Assessment on Wind Energy and Solar Energy Resources 1.2 Data and Calculation 1.2.1 Basic Data 1.2.2 Computing Technology 1.3 Assessment Model of Hydroenergy Resources 1.3.1 Theoretical Potential 1.3.2 Technical Potential Installed Capacity 1.3.3 Economic Potential Installed Capacity 1.4 Assessment Model of Wind Energy Resources 1.4.1 Theoretical Potential 1.4.2 Technical Potential Installed Capacity 1.4.3 Economic Potential Installed Capacity 1.5 Assessment Model of Solar Energy Resources 1.5.1 Theoretical Potential 1.5.2 Technical Potential Installed Capacity 1.5.3 Economic Potential Installed Capacity 2 Macro Site Selection Method of Renewable Energy Bases 2.1 Technical Route 2.1.1 ldeas of Study 2.1.2 Data and Algorithm 2.2 Quantitative Judgment Model for Selection of Bases 2.2.1 Quantitative Model 2.2.2 Example Analysis 2.3 Digital Site Selection of Hydropower Stations 2.3.1 Method Process 2.3.2 Extraction of Digital River Networks 2.3.3 Selection of Planned Reaches 2.3.4 Analysis of Restrictive Factors 2.3.5 Proposed Layout of Hydropower Station 2.3.6 Calculation of the Main Parameter lndex 2.3.7 Drawing of Result Figures and Tables 2.4 Digital Site Selection of Wind Power Stations 2.4.1 Method Process 2.4.2 Analysis of Wind Energy Resource Data 2.4.3 Analysis of Restrictive Factors 2.4.4 Equipment Selection and Automatic Layout Scheme 2.4.5 Calculation of the Main Parameter Indicator 2.5 Digital Site Selection of Photovoltaic Power Stations 2.5.1 Method Process 2.5.2 Analysis of Solar Radiation Data 2.5.3 Analysis of Restrictive Factors 2.5.4 Equipment Selection and Automatic Arrangement 2.5.5 Calculation of the Main Parameter Indicator 2.6 Investment Estimation Method of Renewable Energy Base 2.6.1 Model and Method 2.6.2 Results and Verification 3 Hydroenergy Resources Assessment and Development 3.1 Basic Conditions 3.1.1 Distribution of Water Systems 3.1.2 Hydrological Data 3.1.3 Land Covers 3.1.4 Geological Conditions 3.2 Resource Assessment 3.2.1 Dverview of Hydroenergy Resources 3.2.2 Assessment Results 3.2.3 Assessment Case of River Basins 3.3 Base Development 3.3.1 Development Status 3.3.2 Layout of Bases 3.3.3 Case of Site Selection of Bases 4 Wind Energy Resources Assessment and Development 4.1 Basic Conditions 4.1.1 Distribution of Wind Speeds 4.1.2 Land Covers 4.1.3 Distribution of Conservation Areas 4.1.4 Transportation Facilities 4.1.5 Grid Facilities 4.2 Resource Assessment 4.2.1 Theoretical Potential 4.2.2 Technical Potential Installed Capacity 4.2.3 Development Cost 4.2.4 Assessment Case of Countries 4.3 Base Development 4.3.1 Development Status 4.3.2 Layout of Bases 4.3.3 Case of Site Selection of Bases 5 Solar Energy Resources Assessment and Development 5.1 Basic Conditions 5.1.1 Distribution of Global Horizontal Irradiance 5.1.2 Land Covers 5.1.3 Distribution of Terrains 5.2 Resource Assessment 5.2.1 Theoretical Potential 5.2.2 Technical Potential Installed Capacity 5.2.3 Development Cost 5.2.4 Assessment Case of Countries 5.3 Base Development 5.3.1 Development Status 5.3.2 Layout of Bases 5.3.3 Case of Site Selection of Bases 6 Outbound Transmission of Large Renewable Energy Bases 6.1 Forecast of Electricity Demand 6.2 Deep Electric Energy Substitution 6.2.1 Hydrogen Production and Hydrogen Energy Utilization for Clean Electricity 6.2.2 Seawater Desalination and Ecolog |