Part I China’s Innovation Performance Through Data
I. China’s Progress in Key Innovation Indicators
(I) Input of Innovation Resources Steadily Grows
(II) Knowledge Creation Capacity Continues to Increase
(III) Innovation Makes Increasing Contribution to Economic Growth
II. China’s Position in the Global Innovation Landscape
(I) The Global Innovation Landscape Is Shifting to Being Dominated
by the Trio of North America, Europe and Asia
(II) China Outperforms Other Upper-Middle-Income Countries
(III) China’s Development Potential Lies in Innovation Quality
Improvement and International Cooperation
III. Assessment on National Innovation Index Indicators
(I) Input of Innovation Resources Makes Notable Progress
(II) Knowledge Creation Continues to Take the Lead
(III) Enterprise Innovation Abilities Remain Stable
(IV) Innovation Performance Improves Significantly
(V) Innovation Environment Needs Further Improvement
IV. China’s Innovation Capacity Development and Evolution
(I) China’s Movement in the National Innovation Index
(II) Progress and Outlook for Indicator Targets of China’s 13th
Five-Year National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation
Part II Country Analysis
Part III Assessment Methodology
I. Assessment Approach
(I) Objective of Assessment
(II) Meaning of an Innovation-Driven Country
(III) Theoretical Basis
(IV) Criteria of Indicator Selection
II. Indicator Matrix
III. Calculation Methodology
(I) Treatment of the Second-Level Indicator Data
(II) Calculation of the First-Level Indicator Score
(III) Calculation of the National Innovation Index Score
(IV) Calculation of China’s National Innovation Index Score
Appendix I Index and Sub-index Scores and Rankings
Appendix II Definitions of Indicators
Appendix III Data Sources