作者简介 保罗·蒂利希(Paul Tillich,1886—1965),德裔美籍基督教存在主义哲学家,20世纪最有影响力的神学家之一。曾任教于马尔堡大学(1924—1925),德累斯顿工业大学、莱比锡大学(1925—1929),法兰克福大学(1929—1933),纽约协和神学院(1933—1955),哈佛大学(1955—1962)与芝加哥大学(1962—1965)。 他主张整合新教神学与存在主义哲学,建立“系统神学”,并力图使用“关联法”将神学思想与哲学、心理学问题关联起来,让人们关注自身存在的问题。代表作有《系统神学》(Systematic Theology,1951—1963)、《存在的勇气》(The Courage to Be,1952)、《圣经宗教与对终极实在的追寻》(Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality,1955)、《信仰的动力》(Dynamics ofFaith,1957)、《文化神学》(Theology of Culture,1959)、《基督教与世界宗教问之相遇》(Christianity and the Encounter of the World Religions,1963)等。 目录 导读 1 Being and Courage Courage and Fortitude: From Plato to Thomas Aquinas Courage and Wisdom: The Stoics Courage and Swlf-affirmation: Spinoza Courage and Life: Nietzsche 2 Being, Nonbeing, and Anxiety An Ontology of Anxiety The eaning of nonbeing The interdependence of fear and anxiety Types of Anxiety The three types of anxiety and the nature of man The anxiety of fate and death The anxiety of emptiness and meaninglessness The anxiety of guilt and condemnation The meaning of despair Periods of Anxiety 3 Pathological Anxiety, Vitality, and Courage The Nature of Pathological Anxiety Anxiety, Religion, and Medicine Vitality and Courage 4 Courage and Participation (The Courage to Be as a Part) Being, Individualization, and Participation Collectivist and Semicollectivist Manifestations of the Courage to Be as a Part Neocollectivist Manifestations of the Courage to Be as a Part The Courage to Be as a Part in Democratic Conformism 5 Courage and Individualization (The Courage to Be as Oneself) The Rise of Modern Individualism and the Courage to Be as Oneself The Romantic and Naturalistic Forms of the Courage to Be as Oneself Existentialist Forms of the Courage to Be as Oneself The existential attitude and Existentialism The existentialist point of view The loss of the existentialist point of view Existentialism as revolt Existentialism Today and the Courage of Despair Courage and despair The courage of despair in contemporary art and literature The courage of despair in contemporary philosophy The courage of despair in the noncreative Existentialist attitude The limits of the courage to be as oneself 6 Courage and Transcendence (The Courage to Accept Acceptance) The Power of Being as Source of the Courage to Be The mystical experience and the courage to be The divine-human encounter and the courage to be Guilt and the courage to accept acceptance Fate and the courage to accept acceptance Absolute faith and the courage to be The Courage to Be as the Key to Being-itself Nonbeing opening up being Theism transcended The God above God and the courage to be 术语汇编与简释 导语 当今社会面对人工智能和信息技术的飞速发展,人类陷入极度的焦虑和恐慌,人的生存根基受到前所未有的威胁,而这种对生存意义和价值的追问似乎已无法用传统的文明和智慧来解决。重拾蒂利希作品中最为畅销的《存在的勇气》,也许能从中找到答案。 内容推荐 《存在的勇气》是保罗·蒂利希的代表作,作者以“勇气”为切入点,回顾“勇气”概念从古至今的演变,提供了一个处理勇气现象的历史简图;区分了三种焦虑,并提出了克服种种焦虑的绝对信仰和存在的勇气。探讨和力图解决人的异化与异化的消除这一历史的重大课题。 |