Symmetric functions
Schur functions and their generalizations
Jacobi polynomials attached to root systems
Constant term identities
Chapter 1.Symmetric Functions
1.The ring of symmetric functions
2.Monomial symmetric functions
3.Elementary symmetric functions
4.Complete symmetric functions
5.Power sums
6.Scalar product
7.Schur functions
8.Zonal polynomials
9.Jack's symmetric functions
10.Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions
11.The symmetric functions Pλ(q, t)
12.Fhrther properties of the Pλ(q, t)
Chapter 2.Orthogonal Polynomials
2.Root systems
3.Orbit sums and Weyl characters
4.Scalar product
5.The polynomials Pλ
6.Proof of the existence theorem
7.Proof of the existence theorem, concluded
8.Some properties of the Pλ
9.The general case
Chapter 3.Postscript
1.The affine root system and the extended affine Weyl group
2.The braid group
3.The affine Hecke algebra
4.Cherednik's scalar product
5.Another proof of the existence theorem
6.The nonsymmetric polynomials Eλ
7.Calculation of (Pλ, Pλ)
8.The double affine Hecke algebra and duality
9.The Fourier transform
10.The general case