内容推荐 《书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(百科类)斯蒂芬·霍金》属于人物传记类话题,适合中国初二、初三的学生或同等英语水平的英语学习者阅读。这本读物介绍了霍金的生平故事,从他的少年时期起,按时间顺序,介绍了他的学业、工作、家庭、著作、科学研究等。正文之后设有读前、读中、读后的习题,供读者自测理解程度,练习相应语法知识;还提供词汇表及译文,为读者攻克难词难句提供参考。 目录 1 Scientist and thinker 2 Early years 3 Marriage 4 Theories and ideas 5 A great cosmologist 6 A new voice 7 A big name 8 Family life 9 Last years GLOSSARY The life of Stephen Hawking Lucasian Professors of Mathematics Three important sciences A brief history of the universe ACTIVITIES: Think ahead ACTIVITIES: Chapter check ACTIVITIES: Focus on vocabulary ACTIVITIES: Focus on language ACTIVITIES: Discussion PROJECT TRANSLATION 参考译文 |