内容推荐 从政治局势看,阿尔及利亚在布特弗利卡执政的20年间基本保持稳定。原定于今年4月举行新一届总统选举,自2月起民众自发举行抗议示威游行,反对布特弗利卡谋求连任,并要求有效改变阿现行政治制度。当前,阿处于政治过渡阶段。从经济情况看,阿尔及利亚的经济规模在非洲位居前列,石油、天然气、矿产等能源资源储备丰富,能源产业是其国民经济支柱。从社会文化看,阿尔及利亚兼具阿拉伯、柏柏尔和非洲的特征和属性,同时带有法国殖民统治的深刻烙印。在靠前事务中,阿尔及利亚奉行独立、自主和不结盟的外交政策,主张尊重国家主权与领土完整、互不干涉内政、互不使用武力,在相互尊重、互利和对话基础上寻求广泛合作,外交为经济建设服务。反对大国强权政治和借口人权干涉别靠前政,主张建立公正合理的靠前政治、经济新秩序。阿尔及利亚与世界大国都保持并多方面地发展关系。 目录 \tPreface Algeria's international status and its influence Ⅰ Algeria maintains friendly exchanges with most countries in the world Ⅱ Algerian shares the same attributes with Arab, Islam and Africa Ⅲ Algerian has important international status and influence Chapter One The environment for political and economic development in Algeria Ⅰ Characteristics of the Algerian political system and political development Ⅱ Environment and characteristics of Algeria's socioeconomic development Ⅲ So and cultural characteristics and legal environment of Algeria Chapter Two The development of China-Algeria relations and the formation of comprehensive strategic relations Ⅰ Characteristics of Mgeria's foreign relations Ⅱ The historical and current basis of China-Algeria relations Ⅲ Establishment and characteristics of China-Algeria comprehensive strategic cooperative relations Chapter Three The "Belt and Road": new opportunities and new impetus for China-Algeria cooperation Ⅰ The development strategies of both China and Algeria and their alignment analysis Ⅱ Opportunities, conditions and impetus for China and Algeria to jointly build the "Belt and Road" Ⅲ Major areas and progress of China-Algeria cooperation in the "Belt and Road" Initiative Chapter Four Approaches and suggestions for building comprehensive strategic relations between China and Algeria in the new era Ⅰ Advancing the capacity building of China and Algeria with the new concept of development Ⅱ Advancing the development of security environment in China and Algeria with a new security concept Ⅲ Risks to be prevented and strategies to be taken in China-Algeria cooperation Conclusion The jointly building of the "Belt and Road" has lead China-Algeria relations to a new stage Ⅰ China-Algeria relations still have great potential for development Ⅱ Both countries are willing to continue to deepen and develop their relations Ⅲ There is a platform to support the development of bilateral relations References |