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书名 各国大使眼中的“一带一路”
分类 经济金融-经济-中国经济
作者 孙超
出版社 中信出版社



2. 系统全面。


3. 鲜活生动。












《各国大使眼中的“一带一路”》 全面梳理了“一带一路”大使访谈内容,以政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通为线索,以清晰的逻辑结构、更贴合阅读习惯的文风,精选深具影响力的国家的大使、政要和决策者们的访谈内容,总结提炼其核心思想与理念,生动展现了他们眼中的“一带一路”倡议,以及该倡议给共建各国及全世界带来的合作发展与美好前景。这也是迄今为止少有的从国际视角对“一带一路”倡议进行解读,对“一带一路”倡议下国际合作行动和成果进行评析的多维系统呈现,且具有权wei性。



第一部分 政策沟通 
Part Ⅰ Policy Coordination 
———联合国开发计划署驻华代表文霭洁 / 3 
Belt and Road Has the Potential to Be a New Way of Global Governance and Multilateral Engagement 
—Agi Veres, UNDP Resident Representative in China / 185 
———俄罗斯驻华大使安德烈·杰尼索夫 / 11 
Building China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for a New Era 
—H. E. Dr. Andrey Denisov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to China / 193 
“一带一路” 倡议下的第三方合作是透明、普惠的 
———泰国驻华大使毕力亚·针蓬 / 19 
The Third-party Cooperation Is Transparent and Inclusive under the Belt and Road Initiative 
—Piriya Khempon, Ambassador of Thailand to China / 201 
———罗马尼亚驻华大使巴西尔·瓦西利克·康斯坦丁内斯库 / 29 
Committed to Make the EU-China Partnership More Dynamic 
—Basil Vasilica Constantinescu, Ambassador of Romania to China / 211 
第二部分 设施联通 
Part Ⅱ Facilities Connectivity 
———白俄罗斯驻华大使鲁德·基里尔·瓦连其诺维奇 / 41 
“Great Stone” Is China??s Largest Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone 
—Rudy Kiryl, Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to China / 223 
“一带一路” 框架下的亚吉铁路是“生命线” 
———埃塞俄比亚驻华大使特肖梅·托加 / 49 
The Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway under the Belt and Road Framework Is the “Lifeline” 
—Teshome Toga Chanaka, Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to China / 231 
“一带一路” 倡议与“科威特2035 愿景” 多维度契合 
———科威特驻华大使塞米赫·焦哈尔·哈亚特 / 59 
Belt and Road Initiative Accords with “Kuwait Vision 2035” Multidimensionally 
—Sameeh Johar Hayat, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to China / 240 
“一带一路” 倡议是一种全球友谊 
———尼日利亚驻华大使巴巴·艾哈迈德·吉达 / 67 
Belt and Road Initiative Is a Global Friendship 
—Baba Ahmad Jidda, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to China / 247 
第三部分 贸易畅通 
Part Ⅲ Unimpeded Trade 
———欧盟驻华大使郁白 / 77 
Bring Chinese Wisdom to Global System 
—Nicolas Chapuis, Ambassador of Delegation of the European Union to China / 257 
做“一带一路” 倡议下东南亚数字经济和电子商务的领军者 
———印度尼西亚驻华大使周浩黎 / 85 
Being the Leader in Digital Economy and E-commerce in Southeast Asia with the Belt and Road Initiative 
—Djauhari Oratmangun, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to China / 264 
“丝绸之路经济带” 的起点 
———哈萨克斯坦驻华大使努雷舍夫 / 94 
The Starting Point of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” 
—Shakhrat Nuryshev, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to China / 272 
连接“一带” 与“一路”, 建立与时俱进的全方位合作伙伴关系 
———新加坡驻华大使罗家良 / 101 
Connecting the “Silk Road Economic Belt” with the “Maritime Silk Road”, and Building an All-round Cooperative Partnership Progressing with the Times 
—Stanley Loh, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to China / 279 
第四部分 资金融通 
Part Ⅳ Financial Integration 
———埃塞俄比亚财政部部长艾哈迈德·希德 / 111 
Join the China-Africa Financial Cooperation Forum and Explore a Deep Multi-Aspect Financial Cooperation 
—Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia / 289 
———希腊驻华大使莱奥尼达斯·罗卡纳斯 / 119 
The First Developed Country in Europe to Sign the BRI MOU with China 
—Leonidas Rokanas, Ambassador of the Republic of Greece to China  / 297 
———以色列驻华大使何泽伟 / 129 
The Innovation Partner of the Belt and Road Initiative 
—Zvi Heifetz, Ambassador of the State of Israel to China / 307 
第五部分 民心相通 
Part Ⅴ People-to-people Bonds 
———越南驻华大使邓明魁 / 139 
“State-to-state Relations Thrive While People-to-people Ties Strengthen” 
—Dang Minh Khoi, Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to China / 317 
“一带一路” 倡议对接“后石油时代” 
———阿联酋驻华大使阿里·扎希里 / 147 
Synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the “Post-oil Era” 
—Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to China / 325 
———突尼斯驻华大使迪亚·哈立德 / 155 
“Strengthening Academic and Scientific Cooperation Is Considered as Priorities for My Country” 
—Dhia Khaled, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to China / 333 
———加纳驻华大使爱德华·博阿滕 / 162 
“Ghana, Beyond Aid” 
—Edward Boateng, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to China  / 339 
我在中国的13 年 
———阿曼驻华大使阿卜杜拉·萨阿迪 / 170 
My Thirteen Years in China 
—Abdullah Saleh Al Saadi, Ambassador of Oman to China / 345 
后记 / 179 
Acknowledgements / 355 


推进“一带一路” 从倾听开始 
习近平主席提出的“一带一路” 倡议, 得到了国际社会的热烈反响。“一带一路” 开局良好, 在短短几年的时间里取得了超出预想的进展和效果。 
“ 一带一路” 秉持“共商、共建、共享” 的丝路精神, 主要内容是“五通”, 即政策沟通、道路联通、贸易畅通、货币流通和民心相通。要把“共商、共建、共享” 落到实处, 首先要做好政策沟通, 把“一带一路”与相关国家的发展战略进行对接。其前提是, 充分了解相关国家的战略、政策和对“一带一路” 的真实想法。因此, 我认为, 推进“一带一路” 不妨从倾听开始。 
“一带一路” 倡议提出后, 本书作者孙超就“一带一路” 倡议采访了数十位相关国家驻华大使和国际组织领导人, 其成果连续在《中国发展观察》杂志上发表, 形成《“一带一路” 大使访谈》专栏。 
大使访谈具有其独特价值, 一是权威性, 大使代表一个国家, 他所表达的意见并非个人意见, 而是代表国家意志, 这和专家学者发表个人意见是不同的, 通过大使访谈, 我们了解到的是相关国家政府的想法。二是双向性, 大使不仅了解其本国的政策, 而且比一般的官员更了解中国, 更了解“一带一路” 倡议, 同时他还承担着不断深入了解“一带一路” 的使命, 因此, 大使访谈还会让读者了解到相关国家对“一带一路” 的关注点。三是鲜活性, 大使访谈都是面对面交流的记录, 较之干巴巴的政府文件, 大使访谈生动鲜活, 有很多个性化的内容, 读来令人兴趣盎然。 
现在本书作者孙超将大使访谈结集出版, 这是一件有意义的工作。我愿意向读者朋友推荐这本访谈录。 
我很荣幸应邀参与《“一带一路” 大使访谈》栏目, 至今印象深刻。能将我的工作同“一带一路” 倡议对接, 是一件很令人振奋的事情。 
在中国, 恐怕没有人不知道“一带一路” 倡议; 即使是在国外, 这个倡议也广为人知。关于“一带一路” 倡议的意义, 很多学者和有影响力的人物都做出了解读和评价, 探讨很广泛也很深入。我的解读不一定有很多特色, 不过我想结合我的工作谈一谈对“一带一路” 倡议的理解。 
第一, 2015 年7 月21 日, 金砖国家新开发银行正式开业, 创始成员国为巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非, 总部设在中国上海。作为一家新型多边开发银行, 其使命就是支持新兴市场和发展中国家基础设施的建设和可持续发展, 致力于缓解它们长期以来面临的资金瓶颈, 为全球经济加快复苏提供新动力, 这一点与“一带一路” 倡议的初衷非常吻合。新开发银行希望能在中国实体经济转型升级、创新发展中贡献自己的力量。 
第二, “一带一路” 大有文章可做, 不可把眼光放得太窄。我们不能简单地把“一带一路” 倡议看成一个只为共建国家建设更多基础设施的倡议。在“一带一路” 倡议的框架下, 实现基础设施的互联互通确实是重中之重, 但绝不是全部。我认为它是一个新版的全球化战略, 是一个中国提倡的全球化战略, 是一个更健康、更公平的全球化战略。如何通过这个战略的实施, 把那些欠发展的国家更深入地纳入全球化过程中来, 纳入全球供应链当中, 使这些国家自身的潜力和比较优势得到充分发挥, 摆脱贫困,也使它们得以从低收入国家变成中等收入国家, 进而从中等收入国家变成高收入国家, 使它们的经济社会发展起来, 应该是“一带一路” 倡议非常关键的一个方面。 
第三, 要理性对待对“一带一路” 倡议的不同解读, 凝聚更多国际共识。倡议是中国提出的, 但目标是促进各国共同发展。在初期, 中国可以担任更多建设性角色, 把平台搭建好, 但是归根结底还需要国际支持。“一带一路” 作为一个全球性倡议, 当然可以有不同解读, 在国际上也需要有一个被大家广泛认可的国际版。有不同解读, 甚至有一些误解, 这本身并不奇怪, 可以说是一种常态。但是如果有负面的解读, 那需要多做一些解释性工作, 更需要通过实践, 让事实证明我们的初衷。“一带一路” 倡议可能会给中国带来一些看得见的好处, 但是它更大的贡献是全球性的, 给共建国家和地区带来的变化比给中国带来的好处多得多。同时, 在“一带一路” 倡议实施过程中, 应该记住很多共建国家是不发达国家, 它们的条件与今天的中国很不一样, 不可能把中国的经验全部移植过去。要重视、尊重当地的法律、法规、文化, 同时也要考虑当地的一些国别情况可能给中国的企业和投资方带来的一些不利条件甚至风险。要针对不同情况和条件, 拿出不同的应对方法。“一带一路” 倡议的实施, 还必须给当地的老百姓带来实实在在的好处。只有这样, 广大老百姓才会真心实意地支持。当然, 这也涉及如何将战略和实际结合的问题。中国与其他国家地区的建设思路有相同点, 也有不同点, 只有汇聚更多共识, 大家才能够拧成一股绳, 才能一起发力。 
在“一带一路” 背景下, 新开发银行的很多工作可以促进倡议的实施。对我采访的文章中提到, 新开发银行的成员国都是发展中大国, 在各自的区域内发挥着引领作用。尤其是中国, 经历了由计划经济到社会主义市场经济的重要过渡, 一跃成为世界第二大经济体。我的工作经历恰恰是中国改革开放40 年来沧桑巨变的折射: 我的工作生涯前一半是以国内为主, 特别是在财政部; 后一半基本是在国际组织, 包括三个机构, 分别是亚洲开发银行、世界银行和新开发银行。我亲身经历了中国和国际机构的合作不断发展的过程。 
我个人的职业生涯, 从相对比较青涩到相对比较高层的领导岗位, 既经历过积极的事件, 也应对过很多挑战, 甚至可以说是危机。比如, 当初中国走向社会主义市场经济的时候, 世界银行提供了一些援助和建议, 在有条件、有选择的情况下, 中国政府给予积极采纳, 为中国开放、改革提供了有益的借鉴。同时我也参与了20 世纪80 年代末、90 年代初世界银行从对中国暂停贷款、制裁到恢复的整个博弈过程。另外, 20 世纪90 年代末, 国外一些别有用心的人在达赖集团的唆使下, 利用中国西部扶贫项目向中国施加压力, 我们当时也面临了严峻挑战。这些挑战给我的启示就是, 
在国际机构, 特别是在发展领域, 既要有自己坚实的技术能力和基础, 同时也要有政治敏锐性, 才能有理有力地维护国家利益。 
今天中国成为世界上很有影响力、发展方面最有成绩的一个大国, 我们也可以把有效的经验有的放矢地分享到其他国家去。从这个角度来讲,根据我在国际机构包括世界银行的一些经验和经历, 我觉得新开发银行既要学习其他成熟的国际机构的成功经验, 也需要与时俱进。中国和其他发展中国家应该能够探讨出新的路子, 在新的领域创建新的平台, 做出新的成绩, 这可能是我个人到新开发银行任职的重要目标, 希望能够把这家银行做成一个跟其他银行有所不同, 有自己品牌和特色、有自己突出业绩的新的多边国际机构。 
“一带一路” 包罗万象, 不管什么背景的读者、观众都可以关注大使访谈, 都能从各个中外决策者身上得到启发。倡议虽然宏大, 但与我们的生活息息相关, 中国的发展与每个人的生活都紧密联系, 甚至与世界各国的发展都密不可分。《“一带一路” 大使访谈》为大家提供了观察中国的新视角, 透过不同国家、不同领域的声音聆听中国故事。早年在华盛顿工作时, 我就认识了本书的作者孙超。她曾经在美国哈佛大学学习, 也曾在联合国、国际货币基金组织等国际组织工作, 是一位有着国际化视野和实践经历的青年学者,我非常愿意向海内外的有识之士、热心读者推荐本书。 
世界正在进入一个充满不确定性的新时期。对包容性和高质量增长的乐观预测, 与对多方面潜在的灾难性冲突的悲观预测并存。中国的“一带一路” 倡议是目前改变全球地缘政治和经济格局的最深刻的发展之一。与历史上类似的巨大变化一样, 国际上反应的多样性是可以理解的。这对于塑造了二战后国际秩序的超级大国美国更是如此。华尔街和跨国公司的一些商业精英认为“一带一路” 是当今世界的重要经济机会; 而华盛顿的一些政策制定者和舆论领袖往往解读为这是“中国威胁论” 的主要表现。如何让世界准确全面地了解“一带一路” 的理念和运作, 需要更多的国际对话和更广阔的全球视野。孙超的《各国大使眼中的“一带一路”》, 尤其是书中她与近20 位各国大使的访谈, 是增进国际间沟通、避免相互误判的力作。无论是中国国内读者还是海外人士, 都可从中获益良多。 
Preface Ⅰ 
To Promote “the Belt and Road” Initiative, Start from Listening 
The “Belt and Road” Initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping received overwhelming responses from the international community. The Initiative had a wonderful beginning and the great achievements it has made in just 6 years are more than expected. 
The “Belt and Road” Initiative is guided by the silk principle of “extensive consultation, joint efforts and win-win cooperation”, with main contents of “Five Connectivity”: achieving policy, infrastructure, trade, financial, and people-topeople connectivity. In order to put the silk principle in place, we must give priority to policy connectivity, connecting the “Belt and Road” Initiative to related strategies of other countries. The precondition is to fully understand the strategies, policies and the heartfelt opinions about the “Belt and Road” Initiative of other countries concerned. Therefore, to promote the “Belt and Road” Initiative, we may start from listening. 
After the Initiative was proposed, Sun Chao, the author of this book interviewed dozens of ambassadors and leaders of international organizations. The achievements of these interviews were published continuously in China Development Observation, a well-known core magazine of Development and Research Center of the State Council. Moreover, Sun Chao launched the “Belt and Road” Ambassador Interview Program. 
The ambassadors’ interviews are of great significance. First, they are authoritative. On behalf of a country, an ambassador??s opinions are not personal but represent national wills, which are different from the views expressed by experts and scholars. Through ambassador interviews, we can understand what views a country holds about the Initiative. Second, they are bilateral. Ambassadors not only understand their countries’ policies but also have a better insight about China and the Initiative than other officials of foreign countries. At the same time, they undertake the mission of deepening their understandings of the Belt and Road 
Initiative. Therefore, by interviewing ambassadors, audiences will find what these countries pay attention to. Third, they are vivid. These interviews are all face-toface communications rather than dull government documents. Thus, they are vivid and interesting with distinctive contents. 
It is very meaningful for Sun Chao, author of this book to publish these indepth interviews. I sincerely recommend this book to all the audience. This is the preface of the book. 
Long Guoqiang 
Vice President (Vice-Minister) of Development Research Center of the State Council 
Preface II 
A Healthier and Fairer Globalization 
I am privileged to be invited to join the “Belt and Road” Ambassador Interview Program, which impressed me a lot. It is inspiring for me to connect my work with the “Belt and Road” Initiative. 
In China, I believe almost everyone knows this Initiative and it is also quite well-known abroad. As to the meaning of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, many scholars and key influencers have conveyed their understandings with extensive and profound discussions. My interpretation does not necessarily have many specialties, but I want to express my understandings about the “Belt and Road” Initiative on the basis of my work. 
First of all, on July 21, 2015, New Development Bank (NDB) was officially open. Its founding members include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Its headquarter is in Shanghai. As a new type of multilateral development bank, its mission is to support the construction of infrastructure and sustainable development in emerging markets and developing countries. It is committed to alleviating the financial bottlenecks that they have faced for a long time and providing new impetus for the accelerated recovery of the global economy, which is consistent with the original intention of the “Belt and Road” Initiative. The NDB hopes to make its own contribution to the transformation, upgrading, innovation and development in the China’s real economy. 
Second, the “Belt and Road” Initiative is quite promising and we should take a long-term perspective. We cannot simply regard it as an initiative that helps to develop more infrastructures for the countries along the “Belt and Road” . Under the framework of it, to achieve the connectivity of infrastructure is the priority, but the content of it is much more than that. I regard it as a new version of globalization, one that was put forward by China and that is healthier and fairer. It should be a critical aspect of the Initiative to consider how to integrate less developed countries into the globalization process and into global supply chains more deeply through the implementation of the Initiative. In that case, their own potentials and comparative advantages can be fully exploited to lift them out of poverty and enable them to move from low-income to middle-income countries, and then from middleincome to high-income countries, making their economy and society more developed. 





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