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书名 | 金融市场与金融机构(英文版第12版经济学经典教材高等学校经济类双语教学推荐教材)/金融系列 |
分类 | 经济金融-金融会计-金融 |
作者 | 杰夫·马杜拉 |
出版社 | 中国人民大学出版社 |
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简介 | 作者简介 杰夫·马杜拉,佛罗里达亚特兰大大学金融系教授。他所著的经典金融学教材《金融市场与金融机构》《国际金融管理》等,被各个大学广泛使用,并翻译成多种文字出版。他在Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,Journal of Money,Cedit and Banking等杂志上发表了大量有关银行与金融市场研究方面的学术论文。他还为跨国银行、证券公司和其他跨国企业提供咨询服务。 目录 Preface PART 1: Overview of the Financial Environment 1: ROLE OF FINANCIAL MARKETS AND INSTITUTIONS 1-1 Role of Financial Markets 1-2 Securities Traded in Financial Markets 1-3 Role of Financial Institutions 1-4 Credit Crisis for Financial Institutions PART 2: The Fed and Monetary Policy 2: MONETARY POLICY 2-1 Mechanics of Monetary Policy 2-2 Implementing Monetary Policy 2-3 Trade-off in Monetary Policy 2-4 Monitoring the Impact of Monetary Policy 2-5 Global Monetary Policy PART 3: Debt Security Markets 3: MONEY MARKETS 3-1 Money Market Securities 3-2 Institutional Use of Money Markets 3-3 Valuation of Money Market Securities 3-4 Globalization of Money Markets 4: BOND MARKETS 4-1 Background on Bonds 4-2 Treasury and Federal Agency Bonds 4-3 Municipal Bonds 4-4 Corporate Bonds 4-5 Globalization of Bond and Loan Markets 4-6 Other Types of Long-Term Debt Securities 5: BOND VALUATION AND RISK 5-1 Bond Valuation Process 5-2 Explaining Bond Price Movements 5-3 Sensitivity of Bond Prices to Interest Rate Movements 5-4 Bond Investment Strategies 5-5 Valuation and Risk of International Bonds 6: MORTGAGE MARKETS 6-1 Background on Mortgages 6-2 Types of Residential Mortgages 6-3 Valuation of Mortgages 6-4 Mortgage-Backed Securities 6-5 Credit Crisis PART 4: Equity Markets 7: STOCK OFFERINGS AND INVESTOR MONITORING 7-1 Private Equity 7-2 Public Equity 7-3 Initial Public Offerings 7-4 Stock Offerings and Repurchases 7-5 Stock Exchanges 7-6 Monitoring Publicly Traded Companies 7-7 Market for Corporate Control 7-8 Globalization of Stock Markets 8: STOCK VALUATION AND RISK 8-1 Stock Valuation Methods 8-2 Required Rate of Return on Stocks 8-3 Factors That Affect Stock Prices 8-4 Stock Risk 8-5 Risk-Adjusted Stock Performance 8-6 Stock Market Efficiency 8-7 Foreign Stock Valuation and Performance 9: MARKET MICROSTRUCTURE AND STRATEGIES 9-1 Stock Market Transactions 9-2 How Stock Transactions Are Executed 9-3 High Frequency Trading 9-4 Regulation of Stock Trading 9-5 Trading International Stocks PART 5: Derivative Security Markets 10: FINANCIAL FUTURES MARKETS 10-1 Background on Financial Futures 10-2 Interest Rate Futures Contracts 10-3 Stock Index Futures 10-4 Single Stock Futures 10-5 Risk of Trading Futures Contracts 10-6 Globalization of Futures Markets 11: OPTION MARKETS 11-1 Background on Options 11-2 Determinants of Stock Option Premiums 11-3 Speculating with Stock Options 11-4 Hedging with Stock Options 11-5 Options on ETFs and Stock Indexes 11-6 Options on Futures Contracts 11-7 Options as Executive Compensation 11-8 Globalization of Options Markets 12: SWAP MARKETS 12-1 Background 12-2 Types of Swaps 12-3 Risks of Interest Rate Swaps 12-4 Pricing Interest Rate Swaps 12-5 Performance of Interest Rate Swaps 12-6 Interest Rate Caps, Floors, and Collars 12-7 Credit Default Swaps 12-8 Globalization of Swap Markets 13: FOREIGN EXCHANGE DERIVATIVE MARKETS 13-1 Foreign Exchange Markets 13-2 Factors Affecting Exchange Rates 13-3 Forecasting Exchange Rates 13-4 Foreign Exchange Derivatives 13-5 International Arbitrage PART 6: Commercial Banking 14: COMMERCIAL BANK OPERATIONS 14-1 Background on Commercial Banks 14-2 Bank Sources of Funds 14-3 Bank Uses of Funds 14-4 0ff-Balance Sheet Activities 14-5 International Banking 15: BANK REGULATION 15-1 Regulatory Structure 15-2 Regulation of Bank Operations 15-3 Regulation of Capital 15-4 How Regulators Monitor Banks 15-5 Government Rescue of Fa 内容推荐 《金融市场与金融机构》(英文版·第十二版)通过分析金融市场以及服务于金融市场的金融机构,使读者了解金融市场存在的原因、金融机构如何为金融市场提供服务以及提供哪些服务。本书对金融服务的探讨是按金融机构所能提供的金融服务类型展开论述的,重点围绕金融机构的管理、绩效和监管,探讨了美联储系统、主要债务和股权证券市场以及衍生证券市场的功能。本书还反映了次贷危机以来该领域的最新发展,特别是监管改革的最新动态。 授课教师可根据具体情况来决定关注本书某些章节并略过其他章节,章节可重新安排并不失连贯性。 本书适用于本科与研究生水平金融市场或金融机构相关课程。本书对金融机构从业人员也极具参考价值。 |
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