作者简介 郑继正,上海海关学院外语系副教授,2014年获上海外国语大学英语语言文学博士学位,2017年赴美国佐治亚州奥古斯塔大学访学,现为上海市外文学会会员、上海对外经贸大学英语学院校外导师。 郑继正副教授长期从事语言学、应用语言学、英汉翻译等各领域理论和实践研究,迄今为止,在国内各类期刊上发表论文9篇,其中两篇涉及优选论的论文发表于CSSCI期刊,主编或参编教材共4部,承担市级和校级重点课程建设和教改项目多项,主审或主译国际海关法律法规或文献其1O余部,总字数超百万,并承担近百场的海关国际交流和培训现场翻译。目前郑继正副教授正主持教育部社科《英汉关务词典编撰与研究》项目,并负责海关英语英汉平行语料库和单语语料库建设工作。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Theoretical Background 1.2 Research Objectives 1.3 Methodology and Data 1.4 Research Scope 1.5 Structure of the Book Chapter 2 Brief Historical Survey of Information Structure 2.1 Information Structure as a Distinct Level 2.1.1 Bipartite Approach 2.1.2 Tripartite Approach 2.1.3 Quadripartite Approach 2.2 Approaching Is from Phonology and Syntax 2.2.1 Deriving Focus from Stress 2.2.2 Deriving Information Structure from Syntax 2.3 Multi-Dimensional Architectures 2.3.1 Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) and Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammar(HPSG) 2.3.2 Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) 2.3.3 Lexical Function Grammar (LFG) 2.4 Topical Research in Chinese 2.4.1 Topic as Part of Grammatical Structure 2.4.2 Approaching Topic from Functional Grammar 2.4.3 Approaching Topic from Syntax 2.5 Argument for Multi-Dimensional Construction Chapter 3 Optimality Theory and Syntax 3.1 Basic Concepts of OT 3.1.1 Language as a System of Conflicting Constraints 3.1.2 Constraints: Universality and Violability 3.1.3 OT Grammar as an Input-Output Device 3.1.4 Architecture of an OT Grammar 3.2 OT-Syntax 3.2.1 Constraint Inventory of OT-Syntax 3.2.2 Lexicon and Input in OT-Syntax 3.2.3 Generation in OT-Syntax 3.3 Conclusion Chapter 4 Information Structure and Its Constraints 4.1 Information Structure as a Separate Representation 4.2 Primitives of Information Structure 4.2.1 Traditional Binominal Primitives 4.2.2 Vallduvi's and Choi's Primitives 4.2.3 Discussion on Primitives 4.3 Topic 4.3.1 Definition of Topic 4.3.2 Topic and Subject 4.3.3 Syntactic Realization of Topic 4.3.4 Alignment of Topic 4.4 Focus 4.4.1 Definition of Focus 4.4.2 Topic and Contrastive Focus 4.4.3 Syntactic Realization of Focus 4.4.4 Alignment of Focus 4.5 Canonical Information Structure 4.6 Conclusion Chapter 5 The Subject Condition in English and Chinese 5.1 Emergence of Unmarked Construction 5.2 Constraint Hierarchy on the Canonical Structure 5.3 Subject Condition and Focus Alignment in English 5.4 Subject-Drop and Focus Alignment in Chinese Chapter 6 Topicalization in English and Chinese 6.1 Topicalization in English and Chinese 6.2 NP Movement in English and Chinese 6.2.1 UG Analysis of NP Movement 6.2.2 An IS Approach to NP Movement under OT 6.3 Dangling Topics 6.4 Super-Raised Topic Structure 6.5 Object Shift 6.6 Conclusion Chapter 7 Wh-Movement in English and Chinese 7.1 UG and Traditional OT Analysis 7.2 Interrogatives and Information Units 7.2.1 Wh-Movement and Information Structure in English 7.2.2 Wh-Phrase in situ Chapter 8 Overall Conclusion Bibliography Index 内容推荐 本书主要基于优选论句法(OT-Syntax)的理论框架,通过建立句法和信息结构的约束条件,论述了英汉句法和信息结构的互动界面,从优选论的角度来探索英汉句法生成的规律。本书主要内容涵盖英汉句子信息结构的研究综述及其约束条件的建立、优选论句法研究综述及其约束条件的建立、优选论句法分析等,涉及汉英主语条件、名词移位(NP-movement)、话题化、悬垂话题(dangling topic)、宾语移位(object shift)和疑问词移位(wh-movement)等各种重要句式。本书创新地运用优选论句法的理论,从全新的角度对英汉不同句式的生成进行了的理论探索,以剖析英汉语言的生成规律。本书适合语言研究学者、英汉语言专业硕士和博士研究生、计算机语言研究人员和广大英汉语言爱好者。 |