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书名 | 古希腊音乐调式(高等院校研究生音乐英语课程教材)(英文版)/西方音乐研究原著丛书 |
分类 | 文学艺术-艺术-音乐舞蹈 |
作者 | (英)戴维·门罗 |
出版社 | 黄山书社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 古希腊音乐调式的形成归因于具有高超艺术才能的古希腊民众,以及同时代的伟大哲学家们特有的伦理思想的影响。从柏拉图的《理想国》、亚里士多德的《政治学》等著名篇章,到许多其他古希腊文献,都出现过以国家和部落名字命名的音乐调式,如多利亚、伊奥尼亚、弗里吉亚、利地亚等。据说这些不同调式不仅能够表达特殊的情感,对人性格的形成也能起到重要的作用。如多利亚被认为是坚定的、富于男子气概的,弗里吉亚是激发热情的,利地亚则带有感伤意味。这本《古希腊音乐调式》的作者从其所掌握的各种古代文献着手,系统论述了与古希腊音乐调式相关的各种音乐术语、哲学思想、哲学家、乐器、乐谱、音乐理论体系等内容,是世界范围内古希腊音乐研究极为重要的一本著作。 作者简介 戴维·门罗(David Monro,1836—1905)出生于爱丁堡,担任过牛津大学奥利尔学院的院长和牛津大学的副校长。他于1854年入牛津大学布雷齐诺斯学院,同年转入贝利奥尔学院学习。1859年被选为奥利尔学院的院士,1882年担任该学院院长直到去世。1901年至1904年期间担任牛津大学副校长。门罗是一位通晓多种语言的博学者,在音乐、绘画和建筑领域的知识极为丰富,是荷马研究领域的权威。 目录 1. Introductory Musical forms called harmoniai or tropoi 2. Statement of the question The terms Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, &c. 3. The Authorities Aristoxenus--Plato--Aristotle--Heraclides Ponticus--the Aristotelian Problems 4. The Early Poets Pratinas--Telestes--Aristophanes 5. Plato The harmoniai in the Republic--The Laches 6. Heraclides Ponticus The three Hellenic harmoniai--the Phrygian and Lydian-- the Hypo-dorian, &c. 7. Aristotle--The Politics The harmoniai in the Politics 8. The Aristotelian Problems Hypo-dorian and Hypo-phrygian 9. The Rhetoric The harmonia of oratory 10. Aristoxenus The topoi or keys 11. Names of keys (hypo-) The prefix Hypo- --the term tonos 12. Plutarch's Dialogue on Music The Platonic modes---Lydian--Mixo-lydian and Syntono-lydian---the Mixo-lydian octave--the keys of Sacadas-- tonos and harmonia 13. Modes employed on different instruments Modes on wind-instruments----on the water-organ--on the cithara----on the flute 14. Recapitulation--harmonia and tonos Equivalence of harmonia and tonos 15. The Systems of Greek music The musical System (systma emmeles) 16. The Standard Octachord System The scale in Aristotle and Aristoxenus 17. Earlier Heptachord Scales Seven-stringed scales in the Problems--Nicomachus 18. The Perfect System The Greater and Lesser Perfect Systems--Aristoxenus---enlargement of the scale--Timotheus--Pronomus--the Proslambanomenos--the Hyperhypate 19. Relation of System andKey The standard System and the 'modes'-the multiplicity of harmoniai 20. Tonality of the Greek musical scale The Mesh as a key-note--the close on the Hypate-- arche in the Metaphysics 21. The Species of a Scale The seven Species (schemata, eide) of the Octave----connexion with the Modes 22. The Scales as treated by Aristoxenus Advance made by Aristoxenus--diagrams of the Enharmonicgenus--reference in Plato's Republic--Aristides Quintilianus--the Philebus 23. The Seven Species Aristoxenus--the Introductio Harmonica 24. Relation of the Species to the Keys Use of the names Dorian, &c.--treatment of musical scales in Aristoxenus--Species in the different genera 25. The Ethos of Music Regions of the voice--branches of lyrical poetry--kinds of ethos 26. The Ethos of the Genera and Species Ethos depending on pitch--on the genus 27. The Musical Notation The instrumental notes--original form and date 28. Traces of the Species in the Notation Westphal's theory 29. Ptolemy's Scheme of Modes Reduction of the Modes to seven--nomenclature according to value and according to position 30. Nomenclature by Position The term thesis in Aristoxenus--in the Aristotelian Problems 31. Scales of the Lyre and Cithara The scales on the lyre---on the cithara (viz. tritai, tropoi, parypatai, lydia, hypertropa, iastiaioliaia) 32. Remains of Greek Music The hymns of Dionysius and Mesomedes--instrumental passages in the Anonymus--Mr. Ramsay's inscription--melody and accent--fragment of the Orestes 33. Modes ofAristides Quintilianus The six Modes of Plato's Republic 34. Credibility of Aristides Quintilianus Date of Aristides--genuineness of his scales 35. Evidence for Scales of different species The Hypo-dorian or common species--the Dorian--the Mixo-lydian--the Phrygian and the Hypo-phrygian--Aristotle on Dorian and Phrygian--the dithyramb 36. Conclusion Early importance of genus and key only----change in Ptolemy's time in the direction of the mediaeval Tones 37. Epilogue--Speech and Song Musical nature of Greek accent--relation of musical and ordinary utterance--agreement of melody and accent in the Seikelos inscription--rhythm of music and of prose--the stress accent (ictus)--music influenced by language--words and melody--want of harmony--the non-diatonic scales APPENDIX. Table I. Scales of the seven oldest Keys, with the species of the same name Table II. The fifteen Keys Music of the Orestes of Euripides Musical part of the Seikelos inscription The hymns recen |
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