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书名 | 奈特图解医学全集(第1卷生殖系统第2版)(英文影印版) |
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出版社 | 北京大学医学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 《奈特图解医学全书》是世界著名医学绘图类品牌图书,涵盖了人体的九大系统,内容包括解剖、发育、生理、病理等基础学科知识及临床疾病诊治要点,全书绘图精美、叙述简明扼要,堪称医学与艺术、基础与临床的完美结合。影印版采用全彩色印刷,读者既可领略到“奈特”形象逼真的绘图,也可学习原汁原味的医学英语,是医学生、临床医生的优秀读物。 本书收录第一卷内容。 目录 SECTION 1 DEVELOPMENT OF THE GENITAL TRACTS AND FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS OF THE GONADS 1-1 Genetics and Biology of Early Reproductive Tract Development 1-2 Homologues of the Internal Genitalia 1-3 Homologues of External Genitalia 1-4 Testosterone and Estrogen Synthesis 1-5 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Hormonal Axis 1-6 Puberty--Normal Sequence 1-7 Puberty--Abnormalities in Males Male Gonadal Failure 1-8 Causes of Male Sexual Precocity I 1-9 Causes of Male Sexual Precocity II 1-10 Puberty--Abnormalities in Females Female Gonadal Failure 1-11 Causes of Female Precocity 1-12 Intersex:True Hermaphroditism 1-13 Intersex: Male Pseudohermaphroditism I--Gonadal 1-14 Intersex: Male Pseudohermaphroditism II--Hormonal 1-15 Intersex: Female Pseudohermaphroditism SECTION 2 THE PENIS AND MALE PERINEUM 2-1 Pelvic Structures 2-2 Superficial Fascial Layers 2-3 Deep Fascial Layers 2-4 Penile Fasciae and Structures 2-5 Urogenital Diaphragm 2-6 Blood Supply of Pelvis 2-7 Blood Supply of Perineum 2-8 Blood Supply of Testis 2-9 Lymphatic Drainage of Pelvis and Genitalia 2-10 Innervation of Genitalial 2-11 Innervation of Genitalia II and of Perineum 2-12 Urethra and Penis 2-13 Erection and Erectile Dysfunction 2-14 Hypospadias and Epispadias 2-15 Congenital Valve Formation and Cyst 2-16 Urethral Anomalies, Verumontanum Disorders 2-17 Phimosis, Paraphimosis, Strangulation 2-18 Peyronie Disease, Priapism Thrombosis 2-19 Trauma to Penis and Urethra 2-20 Urinary Extravasation 2-21 Balanitis 2-22 Urethritis 2-23 Syphilis 2-24 Chancroid, Lymphogranuloma Venereum 2-25 Granulomalnguinale 2-26 Strictures 2-27 Warts, Precancerous Lesions Early Cancer 2-28 Advanced Carcinoma of the Penis 2-29 Papilloma, Cancer of Urethra SECTION 3 THE SCROTUM AND TESTIS 3-1 Scrotal Wall 3-2 Blood Supply of the Testis 3-3 Testis, Epididymis, and Vas Deferens 3-4 Testicular Development and Spermatogenesis 3-5 Descent of the Testis 3-6 Scrotai Skin Diseases I: Chemical and Infectious 3-7 Scrotal Skin Diseases I1: Scabies and Lice 3-8 Avulsion, Edema, Hematoma 3-9 Hydrocele, Spermatocele 3-10 Varicocele, Hematocele, Torsion 3-11 Infection, Gangrene 3-12 Syphilis 3-13 Elephantiasis 3-14 Cysts and Cancer of the Scrotum 3-15 Cryptorchidism 3-16 Testis Failure I: Primary (Hypergonadotropic) Hypogonadism 3-17 Testis Failure I1: Secondary (Hypogonadotropic) Hypogonadism 3-18 Testis Failure Ill: Secondary Hypogonadism Variants 3-19 Testis Failure IV: Klinefelter Syndrome 3-20 Testis Failure V: Detayed Puberty 3-21 Spermatogenic Failure 3-22 Infection and Abscess of Testis and Epididymis 3-23 Syphilis and Tuberculosis of the Testis 3-24 Testicular Tumors i: Seminoma, Embryonal Carcinoma, Yolk Sac Tumors 3-25 Testicular Tumors I1: Teratoma Choriocarcinoma, In Situ Neoplasia SECTION 4 THE SEMINAL VESICLES AND PROSTATE 4-1 Prostate and Seminal Vesicles 4-2 Development of Prostate 4-3 Pelvic and Prostatic Trauma 4-4 Prostatic Infarct and Cysts 4-5 Prostatitis 4-6 Prostatic Tuberculosis and Calculi 4-7 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia I Histology 4-8 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia il Sites of Hyperplasia and Etiology 4-9 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia II1 Complications and Medical Treatment 4-10 Carcinoma of Prostate I: Epidemiology Prostate-Specific Antigen, Staging, and Grading 4-11 Carcinoma of Prostate I1: Metastases 4-12 Carcinoma of Prostate II1: Diagnosis Treatment, and Palliation 4-13 Sarcoma of Prostate 4-14 Benign Prostate SurgeryI--Suprapubic 4-15 Benign Prostate Surgery II--Retropubic 4-16 Benign Prostate Surgery III--Perineal 4-17 Benign Prostate Surgery IV Transurethral 4-18 Malignant Prostate Surgery I Retrop |
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