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书名 | 凝聚态物理学场论(第2版)(英文版) |
分类 | 科学技术-自然科学-物理 |
作者 | (美)E.弗拉德金 |
出版社 | 世界图书出版公司 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书用量子场论的概念阐述了凝聚态中最具挑战的物理学问题,内容论及重正化群、Luttinger液体、规范理论、拓扑流体、拓扑绝缘体和量子纠缠。本书从基本概念入手,依次将读者带入当今物理领域的研究前沿,如物质的拓扑相,量子与经典临界现象,量子霍尔效应和超导。同时,书中还包括一维强相关系统,量子有序相和无序相,以及凝聚态、场论和分形统计学中的拓扑结构。本书主要面向凝聚态、高能物理和弦理论领域,以及数学领域的科技工作者。 目录 Preface to the second edition Preface to the first edition 1 Introduction 1.1 Field theory and condensed matter physics 1.2 What has been included in this book (first edition) 1.3 What was left out of the first edition 1.4 What has been included in the second edition 2 The Hubbard model 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Symmetries of the Hubbard model 2.3 The strong-coupling limit 2.4 The weak-coupling limit 2.5 Correlation functions 3 The magnetic instability of the Fermi system 3.1 Mean-field theory 3.2 Path-integral representation of the Hubbard model 3.3 Path integrals and mean-field theory 3.4 Fluctuations: the non-linear sigma model 3.5 The Neel state and the non-linear sigma model 4 The renormalization group and scaling 4.1 Scale invariance 4.2 Examples of fixed points 4.3 Scaling behavior of physical observables 4.4 General consequences of scale invariance 4.5 Perturbative renormalization group about a fixed point 4.6 The Kosterlitz renormalization group 5 One-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets 5.1 The spin- 1/2 Heisenberg chain 5.2 Fermions and the Heisenberg model 5.3 The quantum Ising chain 5.4 Duality 5.5 The quantum Ising chain as a free-Majorana-fermion system 5.6 Abelian bosonization 5.7 Phase diagrams and scaling behavior 6 The Luttinger liquid 6.1 One-dimensional Fermi systems 6.2 Dirac fermions and the Luttinger model 6.3 Order parameters of the one-dimensional electron gas 6.4 The Luttinger model: bosonization 6.5 Spin and the Luttinger model 6.6 Scaling and renormalization in the Luttinger model 6.7 Correlation functions of the Luttinger model 6.8 Susceptibilities of the Luttinger model 7 Sigma models and topological terms 7.1 Generalized spin chains: the Haldane conjecture 7.2 Path integrals for spin systems: the single-spin problem 7.3 The path integral for many-spin systems 7.4 Quantum ferromagnets 7.5 The effective action for one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets 7.6 The role of topology 7.7 Quantum fluctuations and the renormalization group 7.8 Asymptotic freedom and Haldane's conjecture 7.9 Hopf term or no Hopf term? 7.10 The Wess-Zumino-Witten model 7.11 A (brief) introduction to conformal field theory 7.12 The Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory 7.13 Applications of non-abelian bosonization 8 Spin-liquid states 8.1 Frustration and disordered spin states 8.2 Valence bonds and disordered spin states 8.3 Spinons, holons, and valence-bond states 8.4 The gauge-field picture of the disordered spin states 8.5 Flux phases, valence-bond crystals, and spin liquids 8.6 Is the large-N mean-field theory reliable? 8.7 SU(2) gauge invariance and Heisenberg models Gauge theory, dimer models, and topological phases 9.1 Fluctuations of valence bonds: quantum-dimer models 9.2 Bipartite lattices: valence-bond order and quantum criticality 9.3 Non-bipartite lattices: topological phases 9.4 Generalized quantum-dimer models 9.5 Quantum dimers and gauge theories 9.6 The Ising gauge theory 9.7 The Z2 confining phase 9.8 The Ising deconfining phase: the Z2 topological fluid 9.9 Boundary conditions and topology 9.10 Generalized Z2 gauge theory: matter fields 9.11 Compact quantum electrodynamics 9.12 Deconfinement and topological phases in the U(1) gauge theory 9.13 Duality transformation and dimer models 9.14 Quantum-dimer models and monopole gases 9.15 The quantum Lifshitz model 10 Chiral spin states and anyons 10.1 Chiral spin liquids 10.2 Mean-field theory of chiral spin liquids 10.3 Fluctuations and flux phases |
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