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书名 英国金融时报原文阅读精选集(1)
分类 人文社科-法律-法律法规
作者 英国金融时报
出版社 外文出版社
01 Sexual harassment at work:a practical guide for victims
02 How to avert catastrophe新时代的防灾指南
03 Start-ups scent opportunity in tackling fake news假新闻催生新商机
04 Become a Qwitter to salvage Twitter “用脚投票”拯救Twitter
05 US opioid crisis leads to fall in life expectancy阿片类药物致美国预期寿命下降
06 The world leaders’dilemma:how to reach Donald Trump当他们遭遇特朗普
07 The long and short of H&M’s travails陷入困境的H&M
08 Should we trust our fellow app users more than politicians?该不该信任用户评分?
09 Sorry is the hardest word for sexual harassers性骚扰者:一句道歉有多难?
10 Purple haze:Can a colour really capture the zeitgeist? 不知所云的年度流行色
11 Japan bosses face life—and—death struggle 日本公司的招聘战争
12 From climate change to robots:what politicians area’t telling US
13 Liberal America’s unhealthy fixation on Russia夸张的“俄罗斯威胁论
14 Why working women keep quiet about their children职场上的“秘密妈妈
15 Can Meghan Markle rewrite the royal fairytale?
16 The algorithms that seduce our children勾人的算法和脆弱的孩子
17 Starbucks makes super.sized China bet as it looks beyond US
18 The Taj Mahal is caught in a tug of War over Indian identity
19 Welcoming foreign students to the UK builds trade and allies
20 Russia’s World Cup:a Putin own goal?俄罗斯世界杯——普京的乌龙球?
21 Smart cities might not be such a bright idea不太宜居的“智慧城市
22 Can autonomous cars pass their driving test? 谁能证明自动驾驶汽车的安全?
23 Why the robot boost is yet to arrive机器人去哪了?
24 Why plastic is no longer fantastic不再时髦的塑料瓶
25 Welcome to the school of the future欢迎来到未来的学校
26 Why is fashion SO ugly?为什么时装这么丑?
27 How to build the perfect power desk如何成为办公桌艺术家?
28 Really extreme spending is rarely a good look金钱买得来好形象吗?
29 Alibaba sparks China’s consumer revolution “双十一”:购物狂欢与消费革命
30 What Taylor Swift tells US about reputation management
31 Why anti—ageing went out of fashion “抗衰老”将成明Et黄花
32 Why small cities can generate big ideas小城市的大梦想
33 Mohammed bin Salman aims to win Saudi game of thrones
34 Why unlimited vacation means more time in the office适得其反的无限年假制
35 An unflinching look at Tokyo’s dark side东京的黑暗一面
36 which is right:Manchester United rule—or rules?令人困惑的英美语法之辩
37 why it’s scary writing ghost stories? 鬼故事为何让我们害怕?
38 There’s no reason to drive,SO why do I have a car?买车还有什么意义?
39 How to make cities more child—friendly让城市对孩子们友好一点
40 Who said being an MP was a full—time job?兼职政客的“双面人生
41 Why teenagers need more sleep “赖床”一刻值千金
42 The downside of the race to be Amazon’s second home
43 Why nobody will thank you for soldiering on at work改掉带病工作的坏习惯
44 Testing times for the American soccer revolution亟待变革的美国足球
45 Medieval diseases are making a grim comeback 中世纪致命瘟疫再临人间
46 The real problem with PowerPoint?It’s US,stupid烦人的PPT和愚蠢的我们
47 The ultimate fake news scenario假新闻的终极杀手锏?
48 Why a 16th-century saint is a model of modem management
49 Toshiba sidesteps delisting risk but saga may have final twist
50 How voters now see Donald Trump’s America First agenda
51 Harvey Weinstein is Hollywood’s monster哈维·韦恩斯坦:好莱坞的衣冠禽兽
52 How Uber and Lyft are reinventing the bus正在颠覆公共交通的Uber和Lyft
53 Here’s why women hesitate to report sexual harassment
54 More than a football club:why Barqa is a force in Catalan nationalism




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