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书名 | 研习文学(第2版)(英文版)/文学研习丛书 |
分类 | 文学艺术-文学-文学理论 |
作者 | (挪)保罗·戈林 |
出版社 | 上海外语教育出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书对于如何学习文学提供了一系列方法指导,涉及文学文本、文学批评、文学理论、写作等,同时也对学习中就图书馆、网络、期刊等各类信息资源的运用提供了指南。另外,本书还系统阐释了几大主要流派和理论,并对于有影响的文学理论家逐一做了介绍。 目录 Introduction Introducing your companion Using the companion Section I Guide to studying literature at university Introduction What type of guide is this? Is such a guide really necessary? 'Literary', 'primary', 'secondary': a note on terminology Getting organized Your course of study Preparing for courses Getting the most from lectures, seminars and tutorials Using the library Reading literary texts Reading and studying: general points Reading prose fiction: novels, novellas and short stories Reading drama Reading poetry Literary criticism What is literary criticism? How to find relevant criticism Using criticism Writing essays Analysing the question Formulating and structuring an argument Applying literary theory in essays Writing Guidelines on presentation/style Plagiarism and how to avoid it Making a presentation Exams Preparation and revision Taking exams Section 2 Guide to the use of electronic resources Some introductory comments Finding primary electronic information Issues of reliability Reading in the electronic age Searching and analysing electronic texts Finding secondary materials Library catalogues Online databases Journals and periodicals Searching the Internet for literary resources Evaluating online secondary sources Useful sites Documenting electronic media Revising and editing electronically Safety measures Section 3 Theories and approaches Introduction: living with theory Moliere's Monsieur Jourdain Reinventing the wheel The theoretical 'object' Types of theory Descriptive or prescriptive? Literature-specific? Butcher or biologist? School or theory? Chosen or thrust-upon? Theory and method A note on our groupings Formalisms Russian formalism The Prague school New Criticism The hermeneutic tradition Hermeneutics Phenomenology Reception theory Reader-response criticism Structuralism and its progeny Structuralism Semiology/semiotics Narratology Post-structuralism Deconstruction Pragmatics and the reaction against structuralism Speech act theory Psychological and psychoanalytic theories Psychoanalytic criticism Archetypal criticism Cognitive criticism 'Isms' Marxist theory and criticism The Frankfurt school New historicism and cultural materialism Thing theory Post-colonialism Ecocriticism Feminism Queer theory Section 4 Guide to literary theorists AUERBACH, Erich (1892-1957) BAKHTIN, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1895-1975) BARTHES, Roland (1915-80) BEAUVOIR, Simone de (1908-86) BENJAMIN, Walter (1892-1940) BHABHA, Homi K. (1949-) BLOOM, Harold (1930-) BRECHT, Bertolt (1898-1956) CIXOUS, Helene (1937-) DERRIDA, Jacques (1930-2004) EAGLETON, Terry (1943-) ECO, Umberto (1932-) ELIOT, T[homas] S[tearns] (1888-1965) EMPSON, Sir William (1906-84) FISH, Stanley (1938-) FOUCAULT, Michel (1926-84) FRYE, Northrop (1912-91) GATES, Henry Louis Jr (1950-) GENETTE, Gerard (1930-) GILBERT, Sandra (1936-) and GUBAR, Susan (1944-) GOLDMANN, Lucien (1913-70) GREENBLATT, Stephen Jay (1943-) HIRSCH, E[ric] D [onald] Jr (1928-) HOLLAND, Norman N. (1927-) HOOKS, bell (1952-) IRIGARAY, Luce (1932-) ISER, Wolfgang (1926-2007) JAKOBSON, Roman Osipovich (1896-1982) JAMESON, Fredric R. (1934-) JAUSS, Hans Robert (1921-97) KRISTEVA, Julia (1941-) LACAN, Jacques (1901-81) LEAVIS, F[rank] R[aymond] (1895-1978) LEVINAS, Emmanuel (1905 [12 January 1906, Old Style]-1995) LUKACS, Georg (Gyorgy) (1885-1971) LYOTARD, Jean-Francois (1924-98) McGANN, Jerome (1937-) de MAN, Paul (1919-83) MILLER, J. Hillis (1928-) MILLETT, Kate (1934-) MORETTI, Franco (19 |
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