内容推荐 罗伯特·库弗(Robert Coover),是二十世纪六十年代以来zui有代表性的美国后现代作家之一。本书深入探讨库弗重要作品中呈现出的后现代派文学的嬉戏特质(playfulness),通过文本细读,探讨库弗如何运用后现代派文学技巧,戏仿宗教、历史、神话和经典童话,挫败读者期待。 作者简介 张淑芬,厦门大学外文学院副教授,美国小说史博士,2011年一2012年国家公派美国加州圣地亚哥州立大学访问学者。多篇文学论文发表于《外国文学》《国外文学》等核心刊物,出版译著《多维全球化》,参与多项国家级、省部级课题,并参编一一多部大学英语教材。 目录 Introduction Chapter I Towards Postmodern Playful Narrative 1.1 The Evolution of Theories of Play 1.2 Robert Coover as a Postmodernist Game-Master Chapter II History Revisited: The Public Burning 2.1 Unrelenting Parody on History: The Rosenberg Case Reevaluated 2.2 Roaring Carnival Laughter in the Times Square Chapter III Playing at Religion: The Origin of the Brunists 3.1 Justin Miller as a Self-Conscious "Homo Luden" 3.2 Robert Coover as a Game-Maker 3.3 Robert Coover's Metafictional Impulse Chapter IV The Games Within the Text: The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop 4.1 Analogy Between Henry's Play-World and Fiction-Making 4.2 Henry's Game: "Agon" and "Alea", Mimicry and Ilinx Blended 4.3 Henry's Game-World Constructed 4.4 Play Corrupted: Henry's Integration with the UBA 4.5 An Open-Ended Game Chapter V Playing at Fictional Codes: Gerald's Party 5.1 Textual Games Within Anti-Detective Story 5.2 A Game of Caillois's Vertigo Conclusion References Acknowledgements