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书名 | 世界古代文明发源地的早期音乐(高等院校研究生音乐英语课程教材)(英文版)/西方音乐研究原著丛书 |
分类 | 文学艺术-艺术-音乐舞蹈 |
作者 | (英)赫尔曼·史密斯 |
出版社 | 黄山书社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书稿追溯了埃及、希腊、泰国、中国等国各种古代乐器的演变,采用了大量雕塑、文物等材料来探讨世界各地最早期的音乐发展历程。书稿中的65幅插图显示了许多早期的历史记录。作者没有被先入为主的音乐史观念所支配,他根据这些证据作出许多关于早期音乐史的科学论断。 作者简介 喻辉,云南大学特聘教授,艺术学院院长,国家社科基金艺术学重大项目首席专家,美国威斯理安大学民族音乐学专业哲学博士(2000),浙江省“千人计划”特聘专家。现兼任亚洲音乐学会共同会长,英文国际期刊Asian Musicology《亚洲音乐学》共同主编,中国东方音乐学会副会长、秘书长,东亚乐律学会第12届中国会长。先后在A&HCI、SSCI、CSSCI收录期刊发表中英文论文50余篇,在包括劳特利奇(Routledge)出版社和牛津大学出版社在内的国内外出版社出版著作五本,主编丛书三套。为《格罗夫乐器辞典》华语地区唯一特约撰稿人,牛津大学出版社《牛津学科手册:中国音乐》共同主编。 目录 Chapter I. At the Gates of the Past II. In the Land of Myth-The Pursuit of the Gods III. In the Land of Egypt-The Lady Maket and her Flutes IV. In the Land of Egypt-More Egyptian Flutes-The Evidences of the Scale V. In the Land of Etruria-The Greco-Etruscan Double Flutes-The Bulbed or Subulo Flutes VI. In the Land of Greece-From Etruria to Athens VII. In the Land of Greece-The Silkworm Flutes, or Bombyx Flutes VIII. In Oscan Land-Italia-Found at Pompeii The Greco-Roman Flutes IX. Back to the Land of the Nile-Egypt Reveals the Secret X. The Isles of Greece-Midas the Glorious XI. Near the City of Charites-The Mystery of the "Slender Brass" XII. At the Delphic Temple-The Music Heard by the Greeks XIII. In the Land of China-The Outspread Phoenix XIV. The Mongols New Home-The Mythical Finding of the Lis XV. In the Flowery Kingdom-The Bird's Nest XVI. By the Yellow River-The Evolution of the Sheng XVII. In the Land of Siam-The Siamese "Phan" XVIII In the Land of Japan-Japanese Pitch Pipes and the Japanese Clarionet and the Sho XIX. In Ancient China-Ceremonial Instruments XX. In Ancient China-The Flutes of the Chinese XXI. In Ancient China-The Favourite of Confucius XXII. In Ancient China-The Trumpets of the Chinese XXIII. The Music Heard in Far Cathay--The oldest Written Music XXIV. Evolution of the Lyre,Harp,and Lute-The Bow with the Boat XXV. The Choice of the Greeks-The Delphic Lyre XXVI. How The Music Grew-In the Days of a Thousand Years XXVII. At Alexandria-The Final Setlement of the Scale |
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