作者简介 吴丽慧 女,汉族,安徽省安庆市岳西县人。日本京都大学情报学博士,湖北第二师范学院管理学院教师。主要从事旅游灾害管理和文化旅游方面研究。在《Journal of Disastert Research》 《JourndI of Social Safety Science》《新课程研究》等刊物上公开发表学术论文1O余篇。参编教材有教育部高职高专“十二五”规划教材。《酒店管理概论》《旅游礼仪》。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Tourism 1.2 Disasters and disaster preparedness 1.3 Study sites 1.4 Tourism development in Japan and China 1.5 Earthquake disasters in Japan and China 1.6 Problem statement 1.7 Research objectives and structure Chapter 2 Literature review 2.1 Disaster's impact on tourism 2.2 Tourism disaster management 2.3 Conclusion Chapter 3 Sensitivity of tourism demand to houge earthquakes 3.1 Objectives 3.2 Methods 3.3 The Great East Japan Earthquake 3.4 The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake 3.5 Discussion Chapter 4 The impact of disasters on Japan's inbound tourism demand 4.1 Objectives 4.2 Data and methods 4.3 Empirical analysis 4.4 Results 4.5 Conclusion 4.6 Discussion Chapter 5 An analysis of tourist perception and attitude toward disasters: A case study of recent Chinese large earthquake disasters 5.1 Objectives 5.2 Study sites 5.3 Data and methods 5.4 Data analysis and results 5.5 Conclusion and discussion Chapter 6 Thourism sector preparedness in the zone with high seismic risk A case study of the National Capital Region of Japan 6.1 ObjectiveslO 6.2 Tokyo inland earthquake disasters 6.3 Methods 6.4 Results 6.5 Structural equation modeling 6.6 Conclusion 6.7 Discussion Chapter 7 Conclusion and discussion 7.1 Conclusion 7.2 Overall findings of the study 7.3 Discussion 7.4 Future study References
内容推荐 本书主要研究地震灾害对日本及中国旅游业的影响,探索旅游业在面对地震灾害时的应急准备策略。对于中国旅游市场,主要从游客视角来了解游客对灾害的认知;日本方面则主要从酒店住宿业的视角,了解其应急准备现状及影响因素。本书旨在为旅游企业、政府及相关组织在地震灾害应急准备决策方面提供参考。 |