内容推荐 本书将《三国演义》三十个英译本、相应的副文本与其他相关西方作品等纳入一个完整全面的网络体系,以互文性理论为依据和基础,以传统的文本分析方法为主,将历时与共时研究方法相结合,借助计算机辅助文本分析软件,从影响、引用、平行、变形这四个维度讨论了译本与原本之间、译本之间错综复杂的互文关系。本书在一定程度上弥补了学界对《三国演义》早期英文节译本研究的匮乏,并对互文性理论本身作了延展性思考,进一步丰富了互文关系的类型、层次与维度。同时,本书对中国古典文学译介与中国文化走出去也有相当的助益。 目录 Chapter One Introduction 1.1 San Guo Yan Yi 1.2 Intertextuality 1.3 This Book Chapter Two Impact 2.1 Texts 2.2 Genres 2.3 Translators 2.4 Institutions 2.5 Conclusion Chapter Three Quotation 3.1 Borrowing 3.2 Echoing/Consulting 3.3 Self-referentiality 3.4 Conclusion Chapter Four Parallel 4.1 Refracting the Text 4.2 Mirroring the Source Text 4.3 Symmetry to Western Literary Texts 4.4 Conclusion Chapter Five Transformation 5.1 Generic Shift 5.2 Characterization 5.3 Conclusion Chapter Six Conclusion 6.1 Contribution of This Book 6.2 Limitations to This Book 6.3 Directions for Future Research Bibliography