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内容推荐 汪班译著的《撷芳集:从李白到张爱玲(英文版)》是一部以英文写作的中国诗词赏析,内容包括译文资料和英文诠释两个部分。 译文资料展现。包括原文(中文)拼音,四声和英文直译。作者在美国多年的中国文化讲座中,为中国古典诗歌英语讲座翻译出了许多唐诗、宋词和元曲,深感有些译作不能表达原意,因此进行精译,并在译文前印出原文(中文)拼音,四声和英文直译,满足读者阅读需求。 英文诠释分析。译析包括两部分内容: 首先,解释每一首诗词都是图画和音乐结合形成,是一种世界上绝无仅有的独特文字语言,然后进一步分析研究古典诗歌具有格式与音律,文辞对仗与搭配,是一种建于规则严格而完成的文学作品,但读起来必须文字自然活泼,音韵和谐。其次,从文体的角度分析诗词内容。诗词的主题无论是写政事民生、战争爱情、回忆或期望,都达到潇洒而不放荡、哀而不伤、溶自然与人世於一体,达到美含内中的至高境界,是世界文学中最具有特殊奇美的文体。介绍这些并加以欣赏,能够打动读者。 作者简介 Ben Wang(汪班) is Senior Lecturer in Language and Humanities at the New York China Institute in America, and Instructor of Chinese at the United Nations. He also serves as Co-Chair of the N.Y. Renwen Society and Advisor and Chief Translator for the N.Y. Kunqu Society. Ben Wang has lectured on classical Chinese literature and drama at Yale, Columbia, the Smithsonian, the National Gallery of Art, United Nations, Lincoln Center and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, among others. He taught Chinese and translation at Columbia University and New York University between 1969 and 1991. Ben Wang received the 1988 literature translation prize for his translation of Growing Up by Russell Baker, awarded by the Literary Association of Taiwan, China. On September 6, 2003, he was conferred upon the citation of being "an outstanding citizen" by the City Council of New York. In 2009, Laughter and Tears: Translation of Selected Kunqu Dramas was published by Foreign Languages Press. 目录 Part 1 I.Li Bai李白 Visiting But Not Seeing the Daoist Master Oil Mountain Heavenly访戴天山道士不遇 Calling from Chang-gan长干行 Friends Come for the Night友人会宿 Remembering East Hill忆东山 Farewell tO White Emperor Town at Dawn早发白帝城 On the Tower与夏十二登岳阳楼 Singing on the Ninth九日龙山歌 II.Du Mu杜牧 A Trip to the Mountain山行 At the Back Pond齐安郡后池绝句 River Freezing汴河阻冻 III.Li Shangyin李商隐 Weeping Willow柳 Life in Composure端居 All Alone on River Meander in Late Autumn暮秋独游曲江 Part 2 I.Wei Zhuang韦庄 Tune:Buddha—likeDancers菩萨蛮 II.Li Yu李煜 Tune:Gazing at River South望江南 Tune:Joy ofUnion相见欢 Tune:BeautyNamed Yu虞美人 III.Liu Yong柳永 Tune:Lady Qi戚氏 Tune:Echoesfrom aDistantLand]k声甘州 IV.Jiang Jie蒋捷 Tune:BeautyNamedYu(Sound ofRain)虞美人(听雨) Part 3 I.Gold VasePlum金瓶梅 A briefintroduction to Gold VasePlum Selected passages and a poem from Gold Vase Plum II.Bada Shanren八大山人 A brief introduction tO Literati Painting 3 poems on a painting of melons by Bada Shanren III.The Story of the Stone红楼梦 Introductory Notes on The Story of the Stone IV.Eileen Chang张爱玲 About Eileen Chang Translation of Selected Prose by Eileen Chang