内容推荐 近几年来,金砖国家电子商务的快速增长令全球瞩目,金砖国家电子商务与中小企业的发展对经济和就业的作用及影响日益突出。为促进中小企业和电子商务发展,从而促进包容可持续工业发展. 上海社会科学院经济研究所,联合国工业发展组织著的《金砖国家中小企业电子商务发展报告(2017)(英文版)》比较完整地分析和揭示了金融危机以来金砖国家电子商务与中小企业的发展及现状特征,探讨了金砖各国在电子商务发展进程中面临的问题以及挑战。在全球贸易标准和贸易协定谈判日益复杂、利益冲突日益尖锐的背景下,报告也特别探讨了金砖国家在电子商务发展的相关法律法规与制度现状和可能推动金砖国家电子商务贸易健康快速发展的贸易规则和标准制定,并对如何促进电子商务和中小企业发展提出了建议。 目录 1.Abstract 1.1 Overall Situation 1.2 Essential Features of SMEs and e-commerce in BRICS countries 1.3 Main Problems Faced by e-commerce SMEs 1.4 Rules and Standards of e-commerce Trade in BRICS Countries 1.5 Proposals t6 Strengthen E-commerce Cooperation between BRICSs SMEs 2.Current Global Trends of e-commerce 2.1 Overview of Current Global Trends in e-commerce 2.1.1 Market size and Growth Rates 2.1.2 B2B.e-commerce is the main force of global e-commerce activities 2.1.3 B2C e-commerce is more active and growing significantly faster than B2B 2.1.4 e-commerce development across different regions 2.1.5 Outstandingperformance of emerging economies in global retail e-commerce 2.1.6 Great potential inBRICS e-commerce markets 2.2 The Impact of e-commerce on Global Economy, Technology Progress and Job Development 2.2.1 Impact of ICT on e-commerce market allocative efficiency 2.2.2 E-commerce is changing traditional business, production and sales models 2.2.3 Development of e-commerce promotes technological progress 2.2.4 E-commerce facilitates the development of SMEs and employment growth through business model innovation 2.2.5 Promote the participation of SMEs in the global economy 2.3 Global Development Trend of e-commerce 2.3.1 Mobile e-commerce is becoming mainstream 2.3.2 Cross-border e-commerce will be greatlydeveloped 2.3.3 The e-commerce industry chain and service ecology form gradually 2.3.4 The impact of social media on e-commerce activities is becoming increasingly prominent 2.3.5 The global e-commerce will gradually shift to emerging regional markets 2.3.6 The e-commerce activities in SMEs will usher in an era of economic development 3.Current Status of E-commerce among SMEs 3.1 Brazil 3.1.1 Overall status of SMEs 3.1.2 Overall status of e-commerce development in Brazil 3.1.3 Development status of E-commerce among SMEs 3.1.4 Development status of cross-border e-commerce 3.1.5 Management institutions and policies 3.1.6 Case study: E-commerce sales optimization and expand overseas markets 3.2 Russia 3.2.1 Overall status of SMEs 3.2.2 Overall status of e-commerce development in Russia 3.2.3 Development status of SMEs e-commerce 3.2.4 Development status of cross-border e-commerce 3.2.5 Management institutions and policies 3.2.6 Case Study: e-commerce helped Afour to expand overseas 3.3 India 3.3.1 Overall status of SMEs 3.3.2 Overall status of e-commerce development in India 3.3.3 Development status of cross-border e-commerce 3.3.4 Management institutions and policies 3.3.5 Case study: Makemytrip use e-commerce to expand global market 3.4 China 3.4.1 Development status of SMEs 3.4.2 General situation of China's e-commerce development 3.4.3 E-commerce development status of SMEs 3.4.4 Development status of cross-border e-commerce 3.4.5 Regulatory departments and policies 3.4.6 Practice cases: The road of "Three Squirrels" to IPO 3.5 South Africa 3.5.1 Overall status of SMEs 3.5.2 Overall status of e-commerce development in South Africa 3.5.3 Development status of SMEs e-commerce 3.5.4 Management institutions and policies 3.5.5 Case study: UAfrica enhance efficiency with the cloud 4.Major Issues in the Development of e-commerce among BRICS SMEs 4.1 Common Issues in the Development of BRICS SMEs e-commerce 4.1.1 Information communication infrastructure still lags behind 4.1.2 Logistics could not meet the demand of rapidly growing e-commerce 4.1.3 Shortage of e-commerce related qualified personnel 4.1.4 Market regulation and credit-sys'tem need to be strengthened 4.1.5 The e-commerce regulatory system need to be further improved 4.2 Major Country Specific Issues Faced by S |