内容推荐 各雅芬、董胜林主编的《新概念英语(青少版同步2A阅读训练)》强调循序渐进,从紧贴课文的积累型阅读到培养初步应用能力的任务型阅读,再到和考试题型接轨的理解型阅读,帮助青少年英语学习者全面提高阅读能力。 目录 UNIT 1 Linda comes to London UNIT 2 Good luck on Sunday! UNIT 3 Is this yours? UNIT 4 The top three percent UNIT 5 All about ants! UNIT 6 An elegant size UNIT 7 A good example UNIT 8 A nice quiet afternoon UNIT 9 Do your own thing UNIT 10 Tomorrow's another day! UNIT 11 We all have our troubles UNIT 12 The London bus UNIT 13 The Kalenjin UNIT 14 Chocolate heaven! UNIT 15 It's a mystery to me! Answers