内容推荐 《中非人文交流与合作(英文版)》由吴传华、郭佳、李玉洁著。 中非历来是命运共同体。共同的历史遭遇、共同的奋斗历程,让中非人民结下了深厚的友谊。用“患难与共的兄弟情谊”来诠释以往的中非友好交往再贴切不过。中非之间有着“天然的亲近感”。作为中非关系发展的“五大支柱”之一,中非在文明上交流互鉴已被提升到战略层面,将成为中国对非合作的重要支点之一。正如习近平主席在中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会上所讲,中非要加强文明对话、理念交流、文化互动;着力加强青年、妇女、智库、媒体、高校等各界人员往来,促进文化融通、政策贯通、人心相通,推动共同进步,让中非人民世代友好。 目录 Chapter 1 Cultural and education exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.1 Remarkable achievements in cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.1.1 The improvement of mechanisms of cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.1.2 Normalization of cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.1.3 Further development of cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.1.4 Remarkable achievements in the film and television industry cooperation between China and Africa 1.1.5 Promotion of the influence of Chinese cultural centers in Africa 1.1.6 China's continuous strengthening of cultural personnel training for Africa 1.2 Deepening of the educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.2.1 Improvement in mechanisms of educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.2.2 Rapid development of cooperation in international student education between China and Africa 1.2.3 Remarkable achievements in China-Africa joint establishment of Confucius Institutes 1.2.4 Strengthening of cooperation in vocational and technical education between China and Africa 1.2.5 Increasing growth of China's assistance to Africa in the field of education 1.2.6 Attempt made by China and Africa on trilateral collaboration in the field of education 1.3 Problems and challenges in cultural and educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.3.1 Underdevelopment of the African cultural industry 1.3.2 Poor educational conditions inAfrica 1.3.3 Limited cultural interaction between China and Africa 1.3.4 Need to strengthen educational cooperation between China and Africa 1.3.5 Difficulties in establishing Chinese cultural centers 1.3.6 Problems in establishing Confucius Institutes 1.4 Suggestions for expanding and deepening cultural and educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 1.4.1 Further strengthening the expansion of cultural exchanges between China and Africa 1.4.2 Promoting cultural industry cooperation between China and Africa 1.4.3 Comprehensive deepening and promoting educational cooperation between China and Africa 1.4.4 Accelerating establishment of Chinese cultural centers in Africa 1.4.5 Improving the operational level of Confucius Institutes in Africa 1.4.6 Preventing and eliminating the West's negative impact Chapter 2 Medical and healtheare exchanges and cooperation between China and Africa 2.1 Medical and healthcare in Africa 2.1.1 The dual threat of infectious diseases and non-contagious chronic diseases 2.1.2 Insufficient total health expenditure and over-reliance on foreign assistance 2.1.3 Lack of an effective medical and healthcare system 2.1.4 Low accessibility of medical and healthcare services and unfairness in the health care system 2.2 Achievements in medical and healthcare cooperation between China and Africa 2.2.1 Formation of a medical team dispatching mechanism featuring counterpart assistance between Chinese and African partner hospitals 2.2.2 Establishment of a platform for a medical-healthcare cooperative mechanism between China and Africa 2.2.3 Implementation of the "Brightness Action" Program to provide free cataract operation and other assistance programs 2.3 The new trend of medical and healthcare cooperation between China and Africa 2.3.1 Evolving from bilateral assistance to multilateral cooperation 2.3.2 Development from clinical treatment to the establishment of a public health system 2.3.3 Advancing from general medical treatment to specialist medical treatment 2.3.4 Promotion of China's medicines and pharmaceutical products in Africa at the national s trategic level 2.3.5 Importance attached to sharing China's successful experience in development with Afr |