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书名 | 中国共产党的成功奥秘与中央党校(英文版)(精)/读懂中国 |
分类 | 人文社科-政治军事-党政读物 |
作者 | 何毅亭 |
出版社 | 外文出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 何毅亭等著的《中国共产党的成功奥秘与中央党校(英文版)(精)》紧紧围绕“党校如何培养造就干部?如何在学习中提拔干部?中国共产党如何在实践中锻炼干部?”三个核心问题来展开阐述,并运用大量历史实例和珍贵图片,全方位解读中国共产党是马克思主义学习型政党这一客观事实。同时回答了外媒关注的热点问题——中国共产党是如何取得成功的?本书是读懂中国共产党,读懂中国的重量级读本。 作者简介 何毅亭,陕西汉中人。研究生学历、历史学硕士学位、研究员。现任中央党校常务副校长。何毅亭在政策理论研究等方面著述颇丰,在《人民日报》《光明日报》《经济日报》《求是》杂志等重要报刊,发表研究党的基本理论和中央重大决策部署的文章100多篇,出版研究专著10多部。其中人民出版社2013年出版的《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》一书发行120万册,并被译为英文、德文在海外发行。 目录 Foreword Chapter One The CPC as a Marxist Learning Party I. Learning is at the root of the CPC's success II. Major leaders of the CPC have attached great importance to and loved learning III. CPC leaders take the lead in learning IV. The perfect study system of the Communist Party of China Chapter Two Education and Training of Officials- An Important Institutional Format to Build a Learning Party I. The history of the CPC is about the training of officials II. Management and operation of the CPC's education and training of officials III. The pattern and system of Party officials' education IV. Content and method of Party officials' education and training Chapter Three History and Philosophy of the Central Party School I.Party schools are education institutions for officials directly run and led by the CPC II. An education network of Party schools covering the whole country III. Historical development of the Central Party School IV. Philosophy of the Central Party School Chapter Four Operation of the Central Party School I. Student admissions of the Central Party School II. Student management of the Central Party School III. Teaching organization of the Central Party School IV. Knowing the Central Party School "teachers" V. Central Party School research and decision-making consultation VI. International exchanges and cooperation of the Central Party School Bibliography Postscript 导语 何毅亭著的《中国共产党的成功奥秘与中央党校(英文版)(精)》讲述了读懂中国,当然需要读懂当今中国的执政党——中国共产党。中国共产党是一个百年大党,历史长,故事多,可以从多个角度解读。考察它的干部教育,考察作为党员干部教育培训主渠道的党校,特别是中共中央党校,是一个比较有效的角度。 中国共产党为什么能够在百年奋斗中取得一个接一个的胜利,为什么能够取得这样的成就?许多人希望探寻其中的奥秘。从根本上说,是因为中国共产党坚持把马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合,与时俱进推进马克思主义中国化,走出了革命、建设、改革的正确道路。 |
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