1 Concepts and tools/第1章 概念和工具
1.1 Windows operating system versions/Windows操作系统版本
1.1.1 Windows 10 and future Windows versions/Windows 10和后续Windows版本
1.1.2 Windows 10 and OneCore/Windows 10和Windows系统核心
1.2 Foundation concepts and terms/基本概念和术语
1.2.1 Windows API/Windows API
1.2.2 Services, functions, and routines/服务、功能和例行程序
1.2.3 Processes/进程
1.2.4 Threads/线程
1.2.5 Jobs/作业
1.2.6 Virtual memory/虚拟内存
1.2.7 Kernel mode vs. user mode/内核模式vs用户模式
1.2.8 Hypervisor/虚拟机管理程序
1.2.9 Firmware/固件版本
1.3.0 Terminal Services and multiple sessions/终端服务和多会话
1.3.1 Objects and handles/对象和处理
1.3.2 Security/安全
1.3.3 Registry/注册表
1.3.4 Unicode/Unicode编码
1.3 Digging into Windows internals/深入挖掘Windows内部
1.3.1 Performance Monitor and Resource Monitor/性能监控和资源监控
1.3.2 Kernel debugging/内核调试
1.3.3 Windows Software Development Kit/Windows SDK
1.3.4 Windows Driver Kit/Windows驱动套件
1.3.5 Sysinternals tools/五大利器
1.4 结论
2 System architecture/第 2章 系统架构
2.1 Requirements and design goals/需求和设计目标
2.2 Operating system model/操作系统模型
2.3 Architecture overview/架构概述
2.3.1 Portability/可移植性
2.3.2 Symmetric multiprocessing/对称多处理
2.3.3 Scalability/可扩展性
2.3.4 Differences between client and server versions/客户端和服务端版本的差异
2.3.5 Checked build/已验证版本
2.4 Virtualization-based security architecture overview/基于虚拟化技术的安全架构概述
2.5 Key system components/核心系统组件
2.5.1 Environment subsystems and subsystem DLLs/环境子系统和子系统DLL
2.5.2 Other subsystems/其他子系统
2.5.3 Executive/执行性
2.5.4 Kernel/内核
2.5.5 Hardware abstraction layer/硬件抽象层
2.5.6 Device drivers/设备驱动
2.5.7 System processes/系统进程
2.6 Conclusion/结论
3 Processes and jobs/第3章 进程和作业
3.1 Creating a process/创建一个进程
3.1.1 CreateProcess* functions arguments/CreateProcess*函数参数
3.1.2 Creating Windows modern processes/创建Windows进程
3.1.3 Creating other kinds of processes/创建其他类型线程
3.2 Process internals/进程核心
3.3 Protected processes/受保护的进程
3.3.1 Protected Process Light (PPL)/PPL
3.3.2 Third-party PPL support/第三方PPL支持
3.4 Minimal and Pico processes/最小进程和微进程
3.4.1 Minimal processes/最小进程
3.4.2 Pico processes/微进程
3.5 Trustlets (secure processes)/Trustlets(安全进程)
3.5.1 Trustlet structure/Trustlet结构
3.5.2 Trustlet policy metadata/Trustlet策略元数据
3.5.3 Trustlet attributes/Trustlet属性
3.5.4 System built-in Trustlets/系统内置Trustlets
3.5.5 Trustlet identity/Trustlet标识
3.5.6 Isolated user-mode services/隔离的用户模式服务
3.5.7 Trustlet-accessible system calls/Trustlet可访问的系统调用
3.6 Flow of CreateProcess/创建进程流程
3.6.1 Stage 1: Converting and validating parameters andflags/阶段1:转换并验证参数和标记
3.6.2 Stage 2: Opening the image to be executed/阶段2:打开要执行的镜像
3.6.3 Stage 3: Creating the Windows executive process object/阶段3:创建Windows可执行进程对象
3.6.4 Stage 4: Creating the initial thread and its stack and context/阶段4:创建初始线程以及它的堆栈和上下文
4 Threads/第4章 线程
5 Memory management/第5章 内存管理
6 I/O system/第6章 I/O系统
7 Security/第7章 安全