内容推荐 《中国民治论(纪念版英文版)(精)》是作者鲍明钤在美留学期间用英文写就的政治学专著,内容全面。作者坚持其作为学者不偏不倚的立场,在论及民主政治时以经验较成熟的国家为例,讨论其优劣和形成的背景,并比较中国的国情,提出适合采取的部分和长处,供读者自行思考和判断。 目录 CHAPTER I. Introduction : The Crisis and the Problem BOOK I. MODERN CHINESE HISTORY AND POLITICS II. The Rise of Democracy III. The Triumph of the Republic IV. The Return of Monarchy V. The Struggle over the Constitution VI. The Civil War VII. The Provisional Constitution--and Its Defects VIII. The Lessons of the Decade IX. The Abolition of the Tuchun System X. The Framing and Adoption of the Permanent Constitution XI. The Perils and the Salvation BOOK II. CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT XII. Cabinet vs. Presidential System: Cabinet System XIII. Cabinet vs. Presidential System : Presidential System XIV. Federal vs. Unitary System: :Federal System XV. Federal vs. Unitary System : Unitary System XVI. Legislature : Its Structure and Composition. XVII. Legislature : Its Functions and Powers XVIII. Executive: His Election XIX. Executive: His Powers XX. Judiciary: Its Independence and Functions XXI. Provincial Autonomous Government XXII. Local Self-Government XXIII. Budget : Its Functions and Procedure XXIV. Political Parties: Their Functions and Requisites XXV. Private Rights: Their Enumeration and Guarantees XXVI. National Convention XXVII. A Permanent Constitution for China I. Constitutional DccumentsUnderManohu II. The Provisional Constitution III. The Constitutional Compact, 1914 IV. Goodnow's Memorandum V. DR. Goodnow's Constitution VI. The National Constitution, 1917 VII. The City Charter of Canton