内容推荐 杨定乔、龙玉华、王升富编的《化学化工专业英语(高等学校教材)》内容选自近年来美国、英国最新出版的大学化学和化工专业教学用书、其它相关正规出版物及IUPAC(国际纯粹化学和应用化学联合会)化学命名法。选材范围广,词汇较全面。内容涉及无机化学、有机化学、分析化学、物理化学、金属有机化学、化学热力学、高分子化学、杂环化学、不对称合成及实验等。文章内容丰富,语言难度适中,编排深入浅出,循序渐进。每课除正文外,还附有词汇、词组和练习题。此外,书后还附有英语常用词头和词尾、化学化工常用英文缩写与符号、总词汇表,便于读者查阅和自学。 本书适于作高等院校化学、化工、药物化学、环境化学及相关专业高年级学生的专业英语教材,也可作为这些专业的研究生以及从事化学和化工领域的教学、科研和工程技术人员的参考书。 目录 PART Ⅰ 1 The Physical Properties of Substances 2 The Chemical Properties of Substances 3 Oxidation Numbers of Atoms 4 Chemical Calculations 5 The Classification of Inorganic Compounds 6 Acids and Bases 7 Neutralization--Acids Reacts with Bases 8 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds(Ⅰ) 9 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds(Ⅱ) 10 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds(Ⅲ) 11 Hydrogen 12 Nitrogen: A Lazy Element with Lively Compounds 13 Oxygen 14 Halogens 15 Aluminium 16 Quantitative Inorganic Analysis Introduction 17 Use of Burettes 18 Classification of Methods Used in Gravimetrie Analysis 19 Melting and Freezing PART Ⅱ 1 Classification and Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 2 Alkanes 3 Nomenclature of Cycloalkanes 4 Alkenes 5 Alkynes 6 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 7 Aldehydes and Ketones 8 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives(I) 9 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives(II) 10 Qualitative Organic Analysis 11 Polymer Chemistry 12 Polymer Structure and Physical Properties 13 Specialist Heterocyclic Nomenclature 14 Organometallic Compounds 15 Extractive and Azeotropic Distillation 16 Crystallization 17 Preparation of a Carboxylic Acid by the Grignard Method 18 Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics 19 Green Chemistry (Ⅰ) 20 Green Chemistry (Ⅱ) 21 Ionic Liquid 22 Stereochemistry 23 Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol 24 Dibenzalacetone by the Aldol Condensation 附录Ⅰ 英语常用词头和词尾 附录Ⅱ 化学化工常用英文缩写与符号 附录Ⅲ 总词汇表 (Glossary Index) 参考文献