内容推荐 涂宇明、任俊伟主译,洪广祥口述,刘良徛等整理的《走近国医大师洪广祥(英文版)》讲述了国医大师洪广祥教授从学习中医开始,到成为一名国医大师,整个一生的学习、生活、工作等各种经历,对广大中医药工作者的成长有很好的启迪。同时本书也有论述其在运用中医药防治呼吸系统疾病及其他疑难杂症的学术思想和临床经验,对中医临床专家会有很大的参考价值和指导意义。 目录 1 Great Dream and Abruptly Changing Life 2 Beautiful Wuyuan and Its Distinguished Talents 3 Prescriptions in Rhyme and Uncle's Good Student 4 Passion, Inspiration and Critical Thinking in TCM 5 Further Education to Broaden Medical Vision 6 Wide Learning and Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine 7 Bold Application of TCM Theories to Practice 8 Brave Innovation Beyond Old Maxim 9 Diligence and Improvement in Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment 10 Healing Hands, Benevolent Heart and Fruitful Achievements 11 Wisdom Transmission and Administrative Management 12 Great Virtue and Students' Instructor 13 Dual Teacher - Doctor Mode for Staff Development 14 Production -Research Mode with Remarkable Profits 15 Globalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine 16 Lectures Abroad for TCM Internationalization 17 Suggestions and Strategies for TCM Development 18 Master's Demeanor with Wide Knowledge and Rich Experience 19 Affectionate, Beneficial and Meticulous Doctor 20 First "Great TCM Master" in Jiangxi Province 21 Striking Impression and Sincere Praise from Others Postscript Appendix I: Index of Chinese Materia Medica Appendix 11 : Index of Formulas and Chinese Patent Medicines