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书名 | 中国多尺度区域差异分析--地理空间分析视角(英文版)/中南财经政法大学公共管理文库 |
分类 | 经济金融-经济-中国经济 |
作者 | 贺三维 |
出版社 | 中国社会科学出版社 |
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简介 | 作者简介 贺三维,He Sanwei is currently an associate professor inZhongnan University of Economics and Law.She got bachelors' degree and master' s degreein the major of geography respectively in 2009and 2011. In 2015, she graduated from theChinese University of Hong Kong andobtained Doctor of Philosophy. Her researchbackground is about urban and regionaldevelopment and transport geography. She wasthe principle investigator in three projectsincluding national natural science fund,postdoctoral fund and Hubei social sciencefund and was the co-principle investigator inmany other national funds. Meanwhile she haspublished over 20 articles in the Chinesejournals such as Scientia Geographica Sinicaand Journal of Natural Resources, and also inEnglish journals such as Geoforum, Landscapeand Urban Planning, Geomorphology. 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research background l.2 Research objectives 1.3 Theoretical significance and practical importance 1.4 Organizational structure Chapter 2 A Theoretical Framework for Multi-scalar Regional Inequality in China 2.1 Pivotal concepts and approaches ~ 2.2 Theoretical debates about regional development in the changing world 2.3 Methodological advances in the field of regional development 2.4 Theoretical and empirical analyses about regional inequality in China 2.5 Comparative spatio-temporal framework for multi-scalar economic inequality in China 2.6 Conclusions Chapter 3 Data and Methodology 3.1 The study area 3.2 Data description and processing 3.3 Methodology 3.4 Conclusions Chapter 4 The Temporal Trend of Multi-scalar Regional Inequality 4.1 The temporal trend of multi-scalar regional inequality 4.2 The decomposability of multi-scalar regional inequality 4.3 The ergodic distribution of multi-scalar regional inequality 4.4 Conclusions Chapter 5 Spatial Dynamics of Multi-scalar Regional Development 5.1 Global spatial structures of regional development 5.2 Local spatial structures of regional development 5.3 Local spatial patterns of regional development in seven national urban agglomerations 5.4 Spatial distributional dynamics of multi-scalar regional development 5.5 Conclusion Chapter 6 Exploring Driving Factors Underlying the Multi-scalar Regional Inequality 6.1 Model design 6.2 An indicator system of driving factors underlying regional development 6.3 Model specifications 6.4 Result explanations and interpretations 6.5 Policy implications 6.6 Conclusion Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusion Appendix I References Postscript 内容推荐 贺三维著的《中国多尺度区域差异分析--地理空间分析视角(英文版)/中南财经政法大学公共管理文库》讲述了:The study of regional inequality has attractednumerous attentions of geographers andeconomists. The interdisciplinary research hasbeen reflected in a spatial-temporal hierarchicalstructure, that is, the multi-scalar nature ofeconomic convergence and the temporaldynamics of geographical inequality. With thesupport of big databases, the integration ofthese two growing fields provides opportunitiesfor a spatially integrated social science. Therefore,this paper aims to explore this long-debatedissue from two novel perspectives. On the onehand, the newly available county-level datasetwill be employed to reexamine the three majorissues of economic inequality and then acomparative analysis at the county level, citylevel and provincial level will be conducted tostudy the scale nature of economic inequality.On the other hand, the spatial data exploratoryanalysis as well as the geospatial analysis providesa new methodological framework to study thespatial effects ofecor/omic development. Threemajor research issues regarding to the temporaltrend, global and local spatial pattern and themulti-scalar mechanisms of regional inequalityhave been reexamined at three different spatialscales using the geospatial analysis. |
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