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书名 | 西藏问题国际纷争的背景流变及视域(英文版) |
分类 | 人文社科-政治军事-中国政治 |
作者 | (卢森堡)阿尔伯特·艾廷格 |
出版社 | 五洲传播出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 《西藏问题国际纷争的背景流变及视域(英文版)》作者阿尔伯特·艾廷格(Albert Ettinger)系卢森堡著名藏学家,系统梳理了所谓“西藏问题”由来,对其何以漫及国际的背景和历程做了独到叙述和分析,结合中国统一多民族国家的历史文化传统特点,展望所谓“西藏问题”渐次式微的前景,公允得出西藏自古以来是中国领土一部分的客观结论。本书视角独特,言之有据,颇具学术水准,令人耳目一新,是了解和认识西藏一本非常有益的读物。 作者简介 阿尔伯特·艾廷格(Albert Ettinger),1952年生于卢森堡钢铁矿区城市迪弗当日。曾先后攻读历史、日耳曼及罗马语言文学,通过首次国家考试入德国特里尔大学担任研究助理,期间在该校提交有关作家托马斯·曼的论文并获博士学位。后返卢森堡并在文理高中和高校任教。多年致力于西藏研究,除本书外,另有关于西藏专著出版,并发表涉藏文章多篇。 目录 Preface 1.Lots of questions, and no hasty answers please! 2.Historiography and journalism between facts, myths and propaganda lies 3.More than one thousand years ago: Chinese culture for a kingdom of barbaric warriors 4.Common history: the Mongolian, Ming, and Manchu emperors 5."Chinese cake" on the menu for greedy colonial powers 6.Tibetan "independence" as a project of the British Empire 7.The 13th Dalai Lama, tyrant of Lhasa 8.Failed modernisation, failed "state": Tibet under the 13th Dalai Lama and his successors 9.Three rusting cars, bagpipes and play money printed by hand 10.After the thirteenth: intrigues, banishments and squeezed-out eyeballs 11.Lamaist greed and immorality: His Holiness Reting Rinpoche 12.Civil war in Lhasa: political murders, belligerent monks, and a ransacked monastery 13.Reting's most important legacy: a "Chinese" Dalai Lama 14.The "Tibetan trade mission": Great Britain and the USA refuse to grant the "lama state" international recognition 15.A new type of army, Red Scare and 17 points as the basis for peaceful liberation 16."Winds of Change" - approaches to reform, a political honeymoon, and a forgotten love poem 17.Hunger, economic boycott, and a Tibetan Ku Klux Clan - reactionary circles thwart the 17 Point Agreement 18.The early exile, the "holy family" and the rich uncle from America 19.Khampa uprising: robbers and "holy warriors" become CIA "freedom fighters" 20.Lhasa 1959: Khampas and the CIA stage a "people's uprising" and bring the Dalai Lama out of the country 21."Tibet" in exile: mismanagement, prosperity at the expense of others and democracy as a facade 22."International Commission of Jurists": CIAjurists enter the Cold War 23.Stories from wonderland: how a =genocide" resulted in unprecedented population growth... 24 and how a =cultural genocide" triggered a cultural blossoming 25."Give the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor!" - Religious freedom and its limits 26.The human rights to education and development 27."Tibetans aren't Chinese": the racial argument 28.The Dalai Lama's "Greater Tibet" - a call for racial hatred, ethnic cleansing, war, and genocide 29.Nazi friends of the Dalai Lama: the "Austrian mountaineer" Heinrich Harrer 30.Nazi friends of the Dalai Lama: the "race researcher" and war criminal Bruno Beger 31.Nazi friends of the Dalai Lama: the right-wing scene 32.ICT, NED, RwB: continuation of the CIA war with other means 33.Burning for the Dalai Lama? References |
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