内容推荐 剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)考试是一种全新的实用型考试,侧重考察真实工作环境中的英语交流能力,专为广大商务英语学习者量身定做,获得全球众多教育机构及企业的认可,并将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。 达姆特、本著的《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(高级第3版修订版)》是旨在为BEC Higher考试提供全面有效复习的学生用书。 ·最真实的商务英语场景 ·最新的商务生活主题 ·最有效的商务沟通技巧 ·最全面的应试词汇 ·最重要的应试技巧分析 ·最权威的考试模拟练习题 目录 Module 1 1.1 Thegigeconomy 1.2 Asking and answering questions 1.3 ReadingTest: Introduction and Part One Module 2 2·1 Growing the company 2.2 Presenting facts 2.3 Speaking Test: Introduction and Part One Module 3 3.1 Communication at work 3.2 Email exchange 3.3 Listening Test: Introduction and Part One Module 4 4·1 The art of selling 4.2 Presenting figures 4.3 Writing Test: Introduction and Part One Module 5 5.1 Money and finance 5·2 Discussing options 5.3 Listening Test: Part Two Module 6 6·1 Purchasing power 6.2 Telephoning 6.3 Writing Test: Part Two Module 7 7.1 Managing people 7.2 Report writing 7.3 ReadingTest: Part Two Module 8 8.1 Being responsible 8.2 Formal meetings 8.3 Reading Test: Part Four Module 9 9.1 Innovation 9.2 Negotiating 9.3 Reading and Listening Tests:Part Three Module 10 10.1 TraveI and entertainment 10.2 The language of proposals 10.3 Speaking Test: Part Three Module 11 11.1 The economy 11.2 Effective writing 11.3 SpeakingTest: Part Two Module 12 12.1 Crossing cultures 12.2 Social English 12.3 ReadingTest: Part Five and Part Six BEC Higher Practice Exam BEC Higher Practice Exam Answer Key Information fdes(Student B) BEC Higher exam:Key information Useful expressions Business idioms Listening scripts