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内容推荐 热带气旋(台风)是地球上最具破坏性的天气事件和自然灾害。在我国,近50年来平均每年约有9.2个热带气旋登陆,其引发的强风、暴雨、风暴潮、洪水及泥石流等灾害,使我国成为世界上热带气旋登陆最多、受灾最严重的国家之一。随着卫星遥感和计算机技术的飞速发展,人们对热带气旋的路径预报和登陆前后的结构研究取得了很大进展,但对于热带气旋强度预报和生成机制的相关研究还较为薄弱,热带气旋的生成过程依然是热带大气的一个未解之谜。 王磊著的《南海热带气旋的生成过程研究(英文版)》是作者长期在南海热带气旋生成过程和机理方面研究工作和成果的总结。主要内容包括:南海热带气旋生成的环境条件研究、南海热带气旋生成过程的数值模拟、南海热带气旋生成过程的卫星遥感观测与预报因子的选取、南海热带气旋生成在不同时间尺度的气候变化过程以及南海热带气旋生成机制(CLUT机制)的提出。内容可以为南海台风灾害的早期预警和防灾减灾提供科学依据,相关内容可以供从事大气科学、海洋科学和环境科学的科研工作人员参考。 作者简介 Lei Wang(王磊),Male, PhD. Dr. Lei Wang is a professor in the department of Oceanography, Guangdong Ocean University. His research is about air-sea interactions, climate changes and dynamics of the ocean and atmosphere. He has studied and worked in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, University of Hawaii, and Universi- ty of California at Irvine. He has been the prin- ciple investigator for more than ten research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Guangdong Natural Sci-ence Foundation, the foundation for returned scholars of Ministry of Education of China, and the research fund for the doctoral program of Higher Education for Youths. He has published more than 30 papers in academic journals, in- cluding Nature Communications, Journal of Cli- mate, Geophysical Research Letters, Deep Sea Research I, Tellus A and other important jour-nals. He is the committee number of Guang-dong Meteorological Society and the reviewer for several academic journals. 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Definition of tropical cyclone and tropical cyclone genesis 1.2 Review of studies on tropical cyclone genesis 1.2.1 Climatological conditions for tropical cyclone genesis 1.2.2 Synoptic-scale conditions associated with tropical cyclone genesis 1.2.3 Theoretical models for tropical cyclone genesis 1.3 Tropical cyclone genesis over the South China Sea 1.4 Objectives and organization of this study Chapter 2 Climatology of environmental conditions and geographical distributions of tropical cyclone genesis in the SCS 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Data 2.3 Climatology of environmental conditions and tropical cyclone genesis over the SCS 2.3.1 Upper ocean thermal structure 2.3.2 The columnar water vapor 2.3.3 500 hPa relative humidity 2.3.4 Relative vorticity of ocean surface winds 2.3.5 200 hPa divergence 2.3.6 500 hPa vertical velocity 2.3.7 The vertical shear of horizontal winds 2.3.8 Outgoing longwave radiation 2.4 Summary and conclusion Chapter 3 Seasonal variation of tropical cyclone genesis over the South China Sea 3.1 Diagnosis of seasonal variation of tropical cyclone genesis over the South China Sea using a genesis potential index 3.1.1 Introduction 3.1.2 Data and methodology 3.1.3 Seasonal variability of the GP index over the SCS 3.1.4 Monsoon influence on the GP index over the SCS 3.1.5 Conclusions 3.2 Seasonal variation of the low-level atmospheric eddy kinetic energy over the SCS and its influences on the tropical cyclone genesis 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Data and methodology 3.2.3 Seasonal cycle of the lower-atmospheric EKE 3.2.4 Seasonal cycle of EKE tendency terms 3.2.5 Barotropic energy conversion and tropical cyclone formation 3.2.6 Summary Chapter 4 Interannual variation of tropical cyclone genesis over the South China Sea 4.1 Comparison of environmental conditions between a tropical cyclone active year and an inactive year over the SCS 4.1.1 Introduction 4.1.2 Data 4.1.3 Tropical cyclone activities during the summer and winter monsoon over the SCS 4.1.4 The active summer (2000) and the inactive summer ( 1991 ) 4.1.5 The active winter (1998) and the inactive winter (1991) 4.1.6 Discussion and conclusion 4.2 Diagnosis of the ENSO modulation of tropical cyclone genesis over the southern South China Sea using a genesis potential index 4.2.1 Introduction 4.2.2 Data and methodology 4.2.3 GP index and TC genesis over the SSCS region 4.2.4 Environmental factors related to TC genesis 4.2.5 Factors influencing ENSO effects on the GP index over the SSCS 4.2.6 lnterannual variation of tropical cyclone genesis over the SSCS during neutral years 4.2.7 Discussion and summary 4.3 Modulation of tropical cyclone genesis over the South China Sea by ENSO Modoki during boreal summer 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 Data and methodology 4.3.3 Tropical cyclone genesis during central Pacific warming and cooling events 4.3.4 Environmental factors related to TC genesis 4.3.5 Factors influencing ENSO Modoki effects on the GP index over the SCS 4.3.6 Discussion and summary 4.4 Interannual variation of the low-level atmospheric eddy kinetic energy over the South China Sea and its relationship with the tropical cyclone formation number 4.4.1 Introduction 4.4.2 Data and methodology 4.4.3 Interannual variation of the 850 hPa EKE 4.4.4 BEC and TC formation 4.4.5 Summary Chapter 5 Environmental conditions prior to tropical cyclone formation 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Data 5.3 Environmental conditions prior to tropical cyclone formation 5.3.1 SST 5.3.2 Columnar water vapor, liquid water and latent heat release 5.3.3 500 hPa relative humidity 5.3.4 Ocean surface winds 5 |