内容推荐 James Arthur、W.Cogdell Steve Gelbart、David Goldberg、Dinakar Ramakrishnan等主编的《L函数(英文版)(精)》是2007年7月23日至27日在美国普渡大学举办的“L函数”会议的论文集。这次会议是为了祝贺Freydoon Shahidi的60岁生日而举办的,他被公认在Langlands纲领方面做出了开创性的贡献。 书中的文章从各个角度描绘了该领域的研究现状。这些文章展示了自守形式及其L函数在几何、分析和数论等方面的新成果,涉及局部与整体理论。 本书主题包括Langlands函子性,Rankin-Selberg方法,Langlands-Shahidi方法,主题Galois群,Shimura簇,轨道积分,p进群的表示,Plancherel公式及其推论,Gross-Prasad猜想,等等。书中还收录了一篇介绍Freydoon Shahidi在本领域所做贡献的综述性文章,此文可作为该领域的导引。 本书对于专家们是有用的参考资料,而刚入门的研究人员可以利用本书来查阅Langlands纲领的主要结果。 目录 Preface Shahidi’S Work“On Certain L.functions”:A Short History of Langlands-Shahidi Theory STEVE GELBART The Embedded Eigenvalue Problem for Classical Groups JAMES ARTHUR A Cuspidality Criterion for the Exterior Square Transfer of Cusp Forms on GL(4) MAHDI ASGARI AND A.RAGHURAM Types and Explicit Plancherel Formulm for Reductive p-adic Groups COLIN J.BUSHNELL.GuY HENNIART AND PHILIP C.KUTZKO Jacquet Modules and the Asymptotic Behaviour of Matrix Coefficients BILL CASSELMAN The ABS Principle:Consequences for L0(GIH) LAURENT CLOZEL CIrbital Integrals and Distributions L.CLOZEL AND J.一P.LABESSE Functoriality for the Quasisplit Classical Groups J.W.COGDELL.I.I.PIATETSKI—SHAPIRO AND F.SHAHIDI Poles of L—Functions and Theta Liftings for Orthogonal Groups,II DAVID GINZBURG,DIHUA JIANG AND DAVID SOUDRY On Dual R—groups for Classical Groups DAVID GOLDBERG Irreducibility of the Igusa Tower over Unitary Shimura Varieties HARUZO HIDA On the GrOSS-Prasad Conjecture for Unitary Groups HERVIE ACQUET and STEPHEN RALLIS On Local L.Functions and Normalized Intertwining Operators II;Quasi—Split Groups HENRY H.KIM AND WOOK KIM Reflexions on Receiving the Shaw Prize ROBERT P.LANGLANDS On Arthur’S Asymptotic Inner Product Formula of Truncated Eisenstein Series EREZ LAPID Multiplicitd 1 dans les paquets d’Arthur aux places p-adiques C.M(EGLIN Unramified Unitary Duals for Split Classical p-adic Groups;The Topology and Isolated Representations GORAN MUl6 AND MARKO TADIC Parametrization of Tame Supercuspidal R』epresentations FIONA MURNAGHAN On the SatO-Tate Conjecture.II V.KUMAR MURTY Icosahedral Fibres of the Symmetric Cube and Algebraicity DINAKAR RAMAKRIsHNAN Pseudo Eisenstein Forms and the Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups III: Residual Cohomology Classes J URGEN ROHLFS AND BIRGIT SPEH A Functor from Smooth o-Torsion Representations to一Modules PETER SCHNEIDER AND MARIE—FRANCE VIGNERAS Motivic Galois Groups and L—Groups HIROYUKI YOSHIDA |