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书名 | 骨科学(来华留学生英文授课精编教材)(英文版) |
分类 | 科学技术-医学-外科学 |
作者 | 程千//陈奇 |
出版社 | 江苏大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 程千、陈奇主编的《骨科学》参照海外教育学院教学大纲,每个章节都有临床经典个案,章节之间按照先总论,再各论,从上肢到下肢,从常见病到先天疾病,从多见病到少见病,从创伤到感染、肿瘤,再到目前国内外先进的治疗技术,环环相扣,层层递进。 目录 PART 1 TRAUMA CHAPTER l INTRODUCTIoN oF FRACTURE 1.1.1 Definition and Causes 1.1.2 Classification 1.1.3 Displacement 1.1.4 Clinical Symptoms,Signs,and Examinations 1.1.5 Fracture Healing 1.1.6 Treatments 1.1.7 Complications CHAPTER 2 AO PRlNCIPLES oF FRACTURE MANAGEMENT 1.2.1 AO Group and AO Principles 1.2.2 Reduction of Displaced Fracture 1.2.3 Fixation Choice 1.2.4 Rehabilitation Training and Standards of Bone Healing CHAPTER 3 FRACTURE oF UPPER LIMB 1.3.1 Fracture of Clavicle 1.3.2 Fracture of Surgical Neck of Humerus 1.3.3 Fracture of Humeral Shaft 1.3.4 Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus 1.3.5 Fracture of Ulnar and Radius 1.3.6 Fracture of the Distal Radius CHAPTER 4 FRACTURE OF LOWER LIMB 1.4.1 FemoralIntertrochanteric Fracture 1.4.2 Fracture of Distal Femur 1.4.3 Fracture of Femoral Neck 1.4.4 Fracture of Femoral Shaft 1.4.5 Fracture of Tibia and Fibula 1.4.6 Fracture of Tibial Plateau CHAPTER 5 FRACTURE oF PELVIS 1.5.1 Introduction 1.5.2 Causes&Classification 1.5.3 Clinical Symptoms and Signs&Diagnosis 1.5.4 Treatment CHAPTER 6 JoINT DISLoCATIoN 1.6.1 Introduction 1.6.2 Clinical Manifestation 1.6.3 Treatment 1.6.4 Shoulder Dislocation 1.6.5 Elbow Dislocation 1.6.6 Hip Dislocation PART 2 SPINE CHAPTER 1 INTERVERTEBRAL DISC PRoLAPSE 2.1.1 Introduction 2.1.2 Neural Elements 2.1.3 Cervical Disc Herniation 2.1.4 Lumbar Disc Herniation CHAPTER 2 FRACIIJRE AND SPONDYLOLISTIWSIS OF THE SPINE 2.2.1 Spinal Cord Injury 2.2.2 Fracture of the Spine 2.2.3 SpondyIolisthesis of the Spine CHAPTER 3 DEFoRMITY oF THE SPINE 2.3.1 Scoliosis of the Spine 2.3.2 Kyphosis of the Spine PART 3 JOINT CHAPTER 1 SURGICAL TREATMENT FOR JOINT 3.1.1 Hip 3.1.2 Knee CHAPTER 2 SUPPURATIVE ARTHRITIS 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Clinical Manifestation and Diagnosis/I I I 3.2.3 Treatment CHAPTER 3 TUBERCULOSIS OF JOINT 3.3.1 Introduction 3.3.2 Coxotuberculosis 3.3.3 Tuberculosis of the Knee Joint CHAPTER 4 NON—SUPPURATJVE ARTHRITIS 3.4.1 Osteoarthritis 3.4.2 Ankylosing Spondylitis 3.4.3 Rheumatoid Arthritis CHAPTER 5 INJURY OF SoFT TISSUE AROUND JoINT 3.5.1 Injury of Rotator Cuff 3.5.2 Injury of Meniscus 3.5.3 Injury of Cruciate Ligament PART 4 OSTEOPATHY&TUMOR CHAPTER l ISCHEMIC NECRoSIS oF FEMoRAL HEAD 4.1.1 Introduction 4.1.2 Causes&Pathology 4.1.3 Clinical Symptoms and Signs&Diagnosis 4.1.4 Treatment CHAPTER 2 SUPPURATIVE oSTEoMYELITIS 4.2.1 Introduction 4.2.2 Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis 4.2.3 Chronic Hematogenous Osteomyelitis 4.2.4 Other Suppurative Osteomyelitis CHAPTER 3 DEVELoPMENTAL DYSPLASlA oF THE HIP 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 Aetiology 4.3.3 Diagnosis 4.3.4 Management 4.3.5 Secondary Procedures and Complications CHAPTER 4 OSTEOPOROSIS 4.4.1 Introduction 4.4.2 Etiology&Classification 4.4.3 Epidemiology 4.4.4 Pathology 4.4.5 Clinical Characteristics 4.4.6 Diagnosis 4.4.7 Treatment CHAPTER 5 PRINCIPLES FoR BoNE TUMoR 4.5.1 Introduction 4.5.2 Epidemiology 4.5.3 Symptoms&Signs 4.5.4 Diagnosis 4.5.5 Surgical Stage of Bone Tumor 4.5.6 Treatment CHAPTER 6 TUMoRS oF BoNE AND JoINT 4.6.1 Osteosarcoma 4.6.2 Chondrosarcoma 4.6.3 Fibrosarcoma 4.6.4 Ewing's Sarcoma 4.6.5 Malignant Lymphoma 4.6.6 Giant Cell Tumor of the Bone REFERENCES |
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