内容推荐 杨武遒著的《尼尔·塞门的戏剧特征(英文版)/语言文学文化研究系列丛书》以文本细读的方式,从社会历史学的视角,研究了尼尔·赛门的戏剧特征,主要包括其作品的主题、冲突模式,以及作品中人物的犹太身份等问题。最后,本书得出结论:尽管尼尔·赛门的所有戏剧作品均为喜剧,并且大都获得了商业上的极大成功,但这与他在进行作品创作时的严肃态度却不相矛盾。本书拟化身号角,为尼尔·赛门的戏剧严肃性三正其名。 作者简介 杨武遒,博士,北京服装学院语言文化学院副教授,主要研究方向为英语戏剧与文化,曾在核心期刊发表论文多篇,出版翻译作品2部、专著1部。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 A Brief Biography 1.2 Purpose and Methodology 1.3 Review of Related Literature 1.4 Overview of Chapters Chapter 2 The Subject Matters of Neil Simon's Plays 2.1 The American Dream and the Middle Class 2.2 Love and Power in a Family 2.3 Mental Stress in Simon's Plays 2.4 Conclusion Chapter 3 The Modes of Conflicts in Simon's Plays 3.1 Conflicts of Different Personalities 3.2 Contradictions as the Result of Pluralistic Cultures 3.3 Tension Caused by Power-Seizing in a Family 3.4 Conclusion Chapter 4 Simon's Jewish Identity and His Comic Vision 4.1 Trending Jewish-American Theatre and Identity in the 20th Century 4.2 Underlying Jewish Identity in Simon's Early Plays 4.3 Explicit Representation of Jewish Culture in Simon's Later Works 4.4 Jewish and Universal 4.5 Conclusion Chapter 5 Conclusion Bibliography