内容推荐 地下煤气化技术,用化学采煤过程取代传统的物理采煤过程,将煤炭资源在地下直接转换为可燃烧的气体产物,再抽至地面上加以利用。地下煤气化技术具有安全、环保、高效等特点,能够开采传统采煤技术不能开采的深薄煤层。地下煤气化的产物是合成气,可用于发电、生产合成液体燃料、气体燃料、化工产品等。当前全球煤炭行业面临较大的转型升级压力。传统的煤炭开采、运输、燃烧、转换及利用过程中会排放大量的污染物及温室气体,急需在煤炭从开采到利用的整个生命周期内实现新技术的突破,以应对其他更清洁化石燃料及新能源的竞争。裴鹏著的《地下煤气化联合循环及就地二氧化碳捕集封存技术研究(英文版)》研究了将地下煤气化技术与循环发电技术相结合,利用合成气生产电力,同时在煤气化工厂就地实现温室气体分离捕集,再将温室气体封存于附近不可开采薄煤层中的新型技术。本书首先回顾了世界能源利用趋势及地下煤气化技术的原理,然后以美国中北部北达科他州威灵斯顿盆地褐煤煤层为例,从地层描述与厂址选取、岩体力学特性分析、地下结构稳定性与采收率关系、合成气的处理与发电过程等方面对地下煤气化联合循环发电及就地二氧化碳封存技术的原理和可行性应用进行了详细的描述和分析计算。本书中的研究成果对于推进地下煤气化的商业应用以及重新认识可开发利用的煤炭资源具有重要意义。 目录 Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Importance of Coal 1.2 Underground Coal Gasification Technology 1.3 Syngas in Power Generation Coupled with CO~ Capture 1.4 Risks of Groundwater Pollution Associated with UCG 1.5 Motivations and Obiectives Chapter II Fort Unionlignite in North Dakota 2.1 Williston Basin and the Fort Union Lignite in North Dakota 2.2 Depositional Environment of the Fort Union Lignite 2.3 CO2 Utilization and Storage Potential in the Williston Basin Chapter III Characterization of the Selected Sites 3.1 UCG Site Selection Criteria 3.2 Tools and Data in Site Screening 3.3 Selected Sites in Golden Valley County and Slope County, North Dakota 3.4 Selected Site in Dunn County, North Dakota 3.5 CO2 Market in the Selected Area Chapter IV Geomechanical Study on the Surrounding Rocks 4.1 Coupled Mechanisms in the UCG Process 4.2 Analogue to Tunneling and Longwall Mining 4.3 Geomechanical Testing 4.4 Interpretation of Test Results 4.5 Rock Behavior at High Temperatures Chapter V Cavity Stability and Recovery Factor 5.1 Concept of UCG Plant of Commercial Scale 5.2 Assumptions of the Gasification Cavities 5.3 Governing Equations 5.4 Safety Concerns and Mining Recovery 5.5 Numerical Modeling Chapter VI Syngas Processing and Power Generation 6.1 Process Description 6.2 Modeling Results and Plant Performance Chapter VII Discussion and Conclusions References