内容推荐 艾丽森·麦琪主编的《应用语言学中的身份认同(2015)(英文版)/剑桥应用语言学年度评论》的主题为“应用语言学中的身份认同”(Identity in Applied Linguistics),共包括14篇文章,对“身份认同问题”的研究现状及方法进行了综合性评价,撮出了当前研究中的优点和不足,并对未来的研究方向和研究中可能出现的问题提出了前瞻性看法。这些文章所论述的内容和涉及的研究方法,对该领域的研究者来说。既具有很强的可读性和参考价值,也可发挥理论指导实践的作用。 作者简介 艾丽森·麦琪,Alison Mackey,美国Georgetown大学和英国Lancaster大学的双聘教授。《剑桥应用语言学年度评论》主编。研究方向:二语习得。 目录 总序 导读 1. Social Class in Applied Linguistics 2. Translanguaging and Identity in Educational Settings 3. Identity and a Model of Investment in Applied Linguistics 4. Transnationalism, Multilingualism, and Identity 5. Identity in Academic Discourse 6. Heritage Language Education and Identity in the United States 7. Learner Identity, Learner Agency, and the Assessment of Language Proficiency: Some Reflections Prompted by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 8. Identity in Written Discourse 9. Analyzing Language Policy and Social Identification Across Heterogeneous Scales 10. Voice Quality and Identity 11. Unmasking Identity: Speaker Profiling for Forensic Linguistic Purposes 12. Technologies, Identities, and Expressive Activity 13. Ethnic Identity and Second Language Learning 14. (Supra) National Identity and Language: Rethinking National and European Migration Policies and the Linguistic Integration of Migrants