内容推荐 各雅芬、董胜林主编的《新概念英语(青少版同步1A听力训练)》配合《新概念英语青少版学生用书1A》使用。本书从英语学习的各个纬度帮助青少年朋友提高英语水平。内容精炼,为每个单元的每个知识点精心设计练习题目。题型多样,兼顾能力训练和考试要求。图文并茂,版式活泼,帮助青少年朋友提高英语学习兴趣。图文并茂,版式活泼,帮助青少年朋友提高英语学习兴趣。帮助读者全面掌握课文要点,使读者能融会贯通、灵活运用英语语言知识,提高读者对语言的应用和驾驭能力。 目录 UNIT 1 Meet the family! UNIT 2 What is it? UNIT 3 Who's that? UNIT 4 Robert isn't well UNIT 5 Meet the neighbours! UNIT 6 Gossip! UNIT 7 Where's my pen? UNIT 8 A bump in the night! UNIT 9 Red, white and ... pink! UNIT 10 Jump in! UNIT 11 Very smart! UNIT 12 Just like you! UNIT 13 Late or early UNIT 14 One, two, three, catch! UNIT 15 That's not fair! 听力原文及参考答案