内容推荐 曹群珍编著的《初中英语读写结合实用教程》依据语言学习规律,充分体现不同年龄段和不同语言水平学生的学习特点和学习需要,以科学的选材视角,精选27篇不同特点和结构的文本,为教师和学生提供从阅读到写作的各项过程性任务。通过学习本书,初中学生可以获得写作谋篇布局、修辞手法、句式选择等方面的策略,为以后的写作活动做好结构、策略和语言上的准备。 目录 Unit 1 Topic sentence Passage 1 Myweekend Passage 2 My favorite season Passage 3 Isit a good idea to keep pet dogs? Passage 4 The person who has taught me most Passage 5 A laptop computer problem Unit 2 Facts and opinions Passage 6 Lizards Passage 7Some advice on cell phone etiquette Passage 1 Vacation postcards Passage 2 Daniel's magic! Passage 3 Best friends Passage 4 The best city to live in Passage 5 ShanghaiNoon Passage 6 The person who has influenced me most Passage 7 Family life Unit 3 Main idea Passage 1 My favorite festival Passage 2 What kind of person are you? Passage 3 Protecting nature Passage 4 Charity: What are you going to do? Passage 5 Decisions make a difference Passage 6 A new way of calling taxis Unit 4 Linking words Passage 1 A trip to space Passage 2 My favorite day Passage 3 A memorable day Passage 4 Chatroom danger Passage 5 The best things in life are free Passage 6 A website review Passage 7 A great place to learn English