内容推荐 各雅芬、董胜林主编的《新概念英语(青少版同步2B听力训练)》配合《新概念英语青少版学生用书2B》使用。本书从英语学习的各个纬度帮助青少年朋友提高英语水平。内容精炼,为每个单元的每个知识点精心设计练习题目。题型多样,兼顾能力训练和考试要求。图文并茂,版式活泼,帮助青少年朋友提高英语学习兴趣。图文并茂,版式活泼,帮助青少年朋友提高英语学习兴趣。帮助读者全面掌握课文要点,使读者能融会贯通、灵活运用英语语言知识,提高读者对语言的应用和驾驭能力。 目录 UNIT 16 What's your middle name? UNIT 17 A cuckoo in the nest UNIT 18 Read the label! UNIT 19 A problem with squirrels UNIT 20 An ordinary life UNIT 21 The weather forecast UNIT 22 I always behave myself! UNIT 23 Quite tall ... and quite strikin0! UNIT 24 A quiz UNIT 25 Karen saves some money UNIT 26 School reports UNIT 27 Pocket money UNIT 28 She doesn't even exist! UNIT 29 No one's better than Paul! UNIT 30 A giant squid 听力原文及参考答案