内容推荐 良渚文化遗址中大量玉器的出土,使玉器几乎成为了良渚文化的代名词。玉器是良渚先民所创造的物质文化和精神文化的精髓。良渚文化玉器达到了中国史前文化的高峰,其数量之众多、品种之丰富、雕琢之精湛,在同时期中国乃至环太平洋地区拥有制玉传统的部族中,独占鳌头。而其深厚的历史文化底蕴,更给世人带来了无限的遐想。同时对后世也产生了较为深远的影响。Liu Bin、Ma Dongfeng编著的《LIANGZHU JADES(精)》收录了出土的良渚玉器以供读者鉴赏。 目录 Preface Yan Wenming Introduction Fang Xiangming/Xia Yong/Chen Minghui I Sacred motif-complete image and its transformation I-1 Sacred motif I-2 Dragon head motif Ⅱ Funeral rites of the king-actor of the god Ⅱ-1 Head ornament Ⅱ-2 Necklace ormament Ⅱ-3 Arm bracelet Ⅱ-4 Other ornament Ⅲ Cong-the theocracy and the cosmology,heaven and earth Ⅲ-1 Cong Ⅲ-2 Cong-stylistic tube Ⅲ-3 Cong-stylistic awl-shaped object Ⅲ-4 Cong-stylistic cylindrical object Ⅳ Bi-the symbol of wealth V Jade yue and sceptre V-1 Jade yue sceptre V-2 Luxurious sceptre V-3 Other sceptre VI Jade ritual utensils Ⅵ-1 Spindle whorl and loom VI-2 Jade implement Ⅵ-3 Spoon food utensil Ⅵ-4 Jade inlaid wooden blank lacquer Appendix The burial plan and the line graph of the main objects of Yaoshan and Fanshan Postscript