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分类 经济金融-经济-企业经济
作者 Hong Wang//David Crowther
出版社 经济管理出版社
Hong Wang、David Crowther著的《CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CHINESE GOVERNANCE(英文版)》是一本关于企业社会责任与中国治理的教材,得到了2017年上海市外国留学生政府奖学金服务支持体系—2015课程建设第二期—企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility)项目资助。本书的第一章主要讲企业社会责任概述,通过不同的方法方法定义CSR,描述了CSR的三个原则,对布伦德兰的可持续发展方法的批判,概述了企业社会责任的发展阶段以及讨论了企业社会责任与财务绩效之间的关系;第二章主要讲全球化与企业社会责任,描述和批判了全球化的特征,解释了国际组织及其活动,解释了什么是涓滴理论,讨论了监管全球市场和组织的问题,解释了什么是套利及传染的原因和影响;第三章主要讲企业社会责任的原则,确定CSR的原则并解释其操作,了解和解释企业社会责任的合法性理论和政治经济学理论,考虑披露和涉众之间的关系,解释企业社会责任与环境和人权问题之间的关系;第四章主要讲利益相关者,讨论了利益相关者的关系;第五章主要讲社会契约,定义和解释了经典功利主义和自由主义,解释了代理问题的基础,批判了自由市场体系和基础理论,区分了财富和福利;第六章主要讲可持续发展和企业社会责任,概述了可持续发展的含义、布伦达兰报告的三大支柱、参与社会绩效分析的因素,解释了企业可持续性在全球环境中的运作方式,讨论了社会绩效及其问题,并批判了耐久性的四因素模型等。
第一作者王红(Hong Wang)是上海大学经济学院的副教授。2001年7月毕业于复旦大学,获文学硕士学位;2008年11月毕业于同济大学,获管理学博士学位;2011年8月至2012年8月,在英国德蒙福特大学商学院师从DavidCowther教授,进修企业社会责任研究,已发表多篇相关学术论文。1994年9月至今,在上海大学任教。目前主讲课程有:《企业社会责任知与行》、《商务英语》、《战略性企业社会责任》。2015年获得上海市教委《企业社会责任》全英文示范课程立项。本教材为该项目研究成果。
Chapter 1 CSR Overview
1. Definitions of CSR
2. The effects of organizational activity
3. Brundtland report and sustainable development
4. A typology of CSR
5. The relationship between CSR and business financial success
Chapter 2 Globalization and CSR
1. Globalization
2. How globalization affects CSR
3. Globalization, corporate failures and CSR
4. Is globalization an opportunity or threat for CSR?
Chapter 3 The Principles of CSR
I. The prominence of CSR
2. The underlying theories of CSR
3. The principles of CSR
4. Disclosure in corporate reporting
5. Accounting and accountability
6. Recognizing CSR
7. Environmental issues and their effects and implications
Chapter 4 Stakeholders
1. Multiple stakeholding
2. The classification of stakeholders
3. Stakeholder theory
4. Informational needs
5. Regulation and its implications
6. Environmental impact reporting
7. Environment and stakeholders
8. Risk reducing
Chapter 5 The Social Contract
1. Classical Liberal Theory
2. Utilitarianism
3. The free market system
4. A discussion of financial crisis
5. Agency and economic activity
6. Risk and responsibility
Chapter 6 Sustainability and CSR
1. The Brundtland Report and Sustainability
2. Sustainability and the cost of capital
3. Redefining sustainability
4. Financial, social and environmental performance
5. Performance evaluation
6. Sustainability reporting
7. Risk reducing
8. The distributional problem
9. Distributable sustainability
10. Durability essence
Chapter 7 CSR in NGOs and Non-Profit Organizations
1. The nature of the sector
2. Competing for resources
3. Types of NGOs
4. Motivation for starting an NGO
5. Implications for managers
6. Accounting issues
7. CSR issues in NGOs
8. Social values
Chapter 8 Performance Evaluation and Report
1. What is performance?
2. Social accounting
3. The measurement and reporting of performance
4. Accountability and social activity
5. The principles of social accounting
6. The principles of environmental accounting
7. The measurement of environmental impact
8. The Triple Bottom Line Reporting
9. Aspects of performance evaluation and reporting
10. The balanced scorecard
Chapter 9 CSR and Leadership
1. The concept of leadership
2. Styles of leadership
3. Organizational culture and styles of leadership
4. Motivation
5. Power
6. Strategic planning
Chapter 10 CSR and Strategy
1. The tasks of a business manager
2. The objectives of a business
3. The role of a manager
4. Corporate governance
5. Risk management, governance and CSR




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