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内容推荐 美国的民间传说中有这么一个说法:“如果我挖个够深的地洞,会不会从中国冒出来?”史凯文著的这本《肯塔基映山红--如何从美国挖个地洞到中国(英文版)》围绕这一传说,讲述了美国中西部山区的一个12岁小男孩莎莉文与中国西南部的一个小女孩李梅互换身份的历险故事。在24小时内,两人分别经历了与之前完全不同的世界,也因为这样的历险而成长。 作者简介 史凯文(Kevin Smith),With an uncanny knack for suspending reality, Kevin Smith has dug more than one hole in his attempt to tunnel through the Earth. He is a published author with Hello, Rice, in Hamburger (Zhejiang University Press, 2017), which depicts China through the eyes of a foreigner. With a background in psychology, living in China for over ten years, directly working with children in the field of education, and as a former social worker in the USA, focusing on at-risk teens, he has been able to retain a child's sense of wonderment. Kevin eventually was successful in his digging and currently resides with his wife in Shanghai, China. 目录 正文