内容推荐 Robot Operating system是在机器人研究以及业界设计、仿真和打造原型机器人方面最为广泛使用的软件框架之一。运用ROS知识实现机器人比人们想象中的要难得多,但是本书可以为创建你自己的机器人提供帮助。 朗坦·约瑟夫著的《ROS机器人项目(影印版)(英文版)》包含14个ROS机器人项目.不需要太多硬件就可以做出原型。全书从ROS介绍和安装过程开始。讨论相关基础知识之后,你将被带入浏览伟大项目的旅程,比如构建自动驾驶汽车、自主移动机器人以及运用深度学习和ROS相结合的图像识别等。你可以从中找到面向初学者、中级学者和专家等各个层次人士的ROS机器人应用。 本书是那些真正想要在机器人领域大展拳脚的狂热爱好者的最佳伴侣。 目录 Preface Chapter 1: Getting Started with ROS Robotics Application Development Getting started with ROS ROS distributions Supported operating systems Robots and sensors supported by ROS Why ROS Fundamentals of ROS The filesystem level The computation graph level The ROS community level Communication in ROS ROS client libraries ROS tools Rviz (ROS Visualizer) rqt_plot rqt_graph Simulators of ROS Installing ROS kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Getting started with the installation Configuring Ubuntu repositories Setting up source.list Setting up keys Installing ROS Initializing rosdep Setting the ROS environment Getting rosinstall Setting ROS on VirtualBox Setting the ROS workspace Opportunities for ROS in industries and research Questions Summary Chapter 2: Face Detection and Tracking Using ROS, OpenCV and Dynamixel Servos Overview of the project Hardware and software prerequisites Installing dependent ROS packages Installing the usb_cam ROS package Creating a ROS workspace for dependencies Interfacing Dynamixel with ROS Installing the ROS dynamixel_motor packages Creating face tracker ROS packages The interface between ROS and OpenCV Working with the face-tracking ROS package Understanding the face tracker code Understanding CMakeLists.txt The track.yaml file The launch files Running the face tracker node The face_tracker_control package The start_dynamixel launch file he pan controller launch file The pan controller configuration file The servo parameters configuration file The face tracker controller node Creating CMakeLists.txt Testing the face tracker control package Bringing all the nodes together Fixing the bracket and setting up the circuit The final run Questions Summary Chapter 3: Building a Siri-Like Chatbot in ROS Social robots Building social robots Prerequisites Getting started with AIML AIML tags The PyAIML interpreter Installing PyAIML on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Playing with PyAIML Loading multiple AIML files Creating an AIML hot in ROS The AIML ROS package Installing the ROS soundplay package Chapter 4: Controlling Embedded Boards Using ROS Chapter 5: Teleoperate a Robot Using Hand Gestures Chapter 6: Object Detection and Recognition Chapter 7: Deep Learning Using ROS and TensorFlow Chapter 8: ROS on MATLAB and Android Chapter 9: Building an Autonomous Mobile Robot Chapter 10: Creating a Self-Driving Car Using ROS Chapter 11: Teleoperating a Robot Using a VR Headset and Leap Motion Chapter 12: Controlling Your Robots over the Web Index