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内容推荐 Kuga簇是对称空间上的纤维簇,它的纤维是Abel簇。在Shimura簇和数论中,Kuga簇发挥了重要的作用。久贺道郎著季理真主编的《Kuga簇(英文版)(精)》首次系统地阐述了这些簇。本书共4章。第1章给出了到向量调和形式的详细推广。这些结果应用于第2章构造Kuga簇并理解其上的同调群。第3章研究模形式中最基本的Hecke算子。所有以前的结果应用在第4章证明Kuga簇的模块化性质。注意椭圆曲线的模块化性质是Wiles关于费马大定理证明的关键。本书还包含了Weil的一封信和Satake的一篇文章,很切合这本书的主题。 目录 Volume I Chapter I Vector bundle valued harmonic forms 1 An analogy of de Rham's theorem 2 Harmonic p-forms 3 The type decomposition of harmonic p-forms 4 Mountjoy's abelian varieties 5 Commutativity with AA 6 Proof of commutativity theorems 7 A wider frame: spherical functions 8 An example: G = SL(2, R) 9 Other examples, and discussions Chapter II Fibre variety over a symmetric space whose fibres are abelian varieties 1 A fibre bundle V π U 2 Cohomology groups of V (Part I) 3 Cohomology groups of V (Part II) 4 Up-side-down operator O, and the O-invariant subspaces of H2(V) 5 Fibre variety over a symmetric space whose fibres are abelian varieties 6 Algebraic family of polarized abelian varieties 7 Minimality of quotient varieties Appendix I Aletter of Andre Well Appendix II Holomorphic imbeddings of symmetric domains into a Siegel space References for volume I Volume II Chapter III Hecke operators 1 Goldman adelilzation 2 Hecke operator operating on HP (X,T, p) etc 3 Hecke operator operating on Ω(X x F) 4 Hecke operators as algebraic correspondences Chapter IV Number theory of automorphic forms 1 A fibre variety over an algebraic curve U = T \\X 2 Harmonic forms on V, and the trace formulas 3 Zeta-function of VP 4 Congruence Artin - L-functions 5 Hecke polynomials as L-functions References for volume II