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内容推荐 常心坦主编的这本《第十一届世界矿山通风大会论文集(英文版)》的英文简介如下: The proceedings of the 11th International Mine Ventilation Congress (11th IMVC), is focused on mine ventilation, occupational health and safety. The IMVC has become the most influential international mine ventilation event in the world, and has long been a popular forum for ventilation researchers, practitioners, academics, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, consultants and government officials around the globe to explore research results, exchange best practices, and to launch new products for a better and safer industry. It also serves as a useful platform to attract and train future ventilation professionals and mine planning engineers, as well as for mining companies to discover better practices to provide better ventilation planning. 目录 Part I Vent System Optimization I Mobile Equipment Power Source--Impact on Ventilation Design Chery Allen and Jozef Stachulak Pros and Cons of Primary Ventilation Systems and the Need for Critical Spares Johannes Holzhausen Controlled Primary Ventilation Recirculation and Re-use with Reconditioning --A Strategy for Deep Mines Leon van den Berg, Katie Manns, and Steven Bluhm Research on Ventilation Layout in Jet-Flow Gallery Ventilation System in a Twin-Tunnel Construction Rong Liu, Liang Wang, Song Ren, and Zhen Zhang Influence of the Ratio of the Blowing and Sucking Flow on the Wall-Rotating Circulating Airflow in Fully Mechanized Excavation Face Ronghua Liu, Yongjun Li, Pengfei Wang, Wei Shu, and Shangxu Gou Part I Vent System Optimization II Calculating Shock Losses in Mine Ventilation Networks Mikhail Semin and Andrey Shalimov A Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Airflow Resistance of an Evolving Cave in a Block/Panel Cave Mine S Sreekumar Ajitha R.Bhargava, Y.Pan.A.Jha, P.Tukkaraja, K.Shahbazi, K.Katzenstein, and D.Loring An Investigation of the Elects of Particle Size, Porosity, and Cave Size on the Airflow Resistance of a Block/Panel Cave Y.Pan, R.Bhargava, A.Jha, P.Tukkaraja, K.Shahbazi, K.Katzenstein, and D.Loring Selecting the Best Development Face Ventilation Scheme Using G1-Coefficient of Variation Method Zhiyong Zhou, Mehmet Kizil, Zhongwei Chen, and Jianhong Chen Optimization of Ventilation System in Wongawilli Mining Face with a Continuous Miner Tao Du Ventilation-on-Demand System in Pulang Copper Mine Qifa Ge, Weigen Zhu, Weiguo Zhang, Qinggang Chen, and Zhuoming Yang Part III Mine Dusts and Control I Evaluation of Gravimetric Sampler Bias, Effect on Measured Concentration, and Proposal for the Use of Harmonised Performance Based Dust Sampler for Exposure Assessment B.Belle Design of Auxiliary Ventilation System for Effective Dust Dispersion in Underground Coal Mine Development Heading-A Computational Simulation Approach Devi Prasad Mishra, Aashish Sahu, and Durga Charan Panigrahi Coping with Diffuse Dust Emissions in Mining by Fibrous Filters with Trickling Water Cleaning Federico Marangoni and Gemot Krammer Review of Real-Time Respirable Dust Survey Findings in Australian Coal Mines Hsin Wei Wu and Stewart Gillies Explosive Testing of Rock Dust Dispersibility for Coal Dust Explosion Prevention Jurgen F.Brune and Richard C.Gilmore CFD Modelling of Ventilation, Dust and Gas Flow Dispersion Patterns on a Longwall Face Ting Ren and Zhongwei Wang Part IV Minne Dusts and Control IV …… Part V Methane and Methane Control I Part VI Methane and Methane Control II Part VII Mine Explosion Part VIII DPM Part IX Spontaneous Combustion I Part X Spontaneous Combustion II Part XI Underground Fire Control I Part XII Underground Fire Control II Part XIII Refrigeration and Cooling Part XIV Clmate Control Part XV Metal and Non-metal Mining Part XVI Ventilation Modeling Part XVII Mine Emergency planning Part XVIII Regulations Part XIX Miscellaneous Topics Author Index