内容推荐 “金台曦照”是北京“燕京八景”之一,这里风景如画,古韵犹存,人杰地灵。随着改革开放文化艺术的蓬勃发展,由于街道工委、社区党委数年来对社区基层文化建设的重视和几十年的培育,金台古韵翰墨大方异彩。这里集聚一批叠雲起峰、笔墨功力深厚,有一大批既继承翰墨优秀传统,又具有艺术创新成长起来的艺术家、画家、书法家。李长峰主编的《金台古韵翰墨集》收录的就是这些书画家的艺术创作作品100余幅,内容多为风景、花鸟。 目录 著名书画家张源艺术简历 著名书法家黄朝龙艺术简历 书艺朝霞现,苍龙一品新 著名画家李长峰艺术简历 金台依情语笔情润百花(序) 铁骨傲雪来郁香满乾坤 1 96cm x 502cm The blozzoms on the staunch branches brave frost and enow and their richfragrancespreads everywhere,nigh and low 天道酬勤春是金(金箔画) 65cm×1 36cm The heaven’s way is to reward there who work hard and spring is precious as gold(painted on gold foil) 香远(与书画大师龚文桢、著名画家李德纯共同创作完成) 1 16cmx234cm Spreading fragrance far and wide A joint work with marber painter--caliingrapher Geng wenzhen and famous pain Li Dechun 清香傲雪报春来1 43cm x 360cm Braving snow to herald spring with a sweet scent 春月映泉68cmx 136cm A full moom reflected in a spring 驼铃荡山谷68cm×137cm Echo of the camel Bells at the valley 太行静谷67cmx66cm The Quied valley in Taihang Mountains 北国小景24cmx27cm The Scenery in North China 石柜阁35cmx 1 75cm CIST Pavilion 九如图65cmx 138cm Nine as shown in figure 报国65cmx 135cm Serve the country 孝道65cmx 135cm Filial piety 松鹤延年68cm×68cm Songhe sickness 兰亭序96cm×270cm Orchid Pavilion 大江东去96cmx 180cm The mighty river flows eastward 滚滚长江东逝水68cm x 1 36cm Yangtze River flowing east 苏轼《水调歌头》40cm x 280cm Su Shi”Prelude To Water Melody” 毛主席诗词《北国风光》1 36cm x 68cm Chairman Mao。s poetry”northland scenery” 香雪梦136cmx68cm Fragrant snow dream 花开盛世春满园 1 35cm x 70cm Flower flourishing Spring Garden 春趣100cmx50cm Spring Fun ……